TY - CHAP M1 - Book, Section TI - Weight Management and Energy Balance A1 - Muth, Natalie Digate A1 - Zive, Murphy Michelle PY - 2020 T2 - Sports Nutrition for Health Professionals, 2e AB - LEARNING OBJECTIVESAfter studying this chapter the reader should be able to:12.1 Describe the concept of energy balance.12.2 List the factors that affect an individual’s ability to maintain weight.12.3 Describe how the determinants of energy balance change with aging.12.4 List the major physical activity recommendations of the federal government’s Physical Activity Guidelines.12.5 Describe how the prevalence of obesity has changed over the past 20 years and list several reasons for the increase.12.6 Explain how the hormones ghrelin, peptide YY, leptin, insulin, and adiponectin affect hunger and satiety.12.7 List five health conditions that result from obesity.12.8 Define and describe the term metabolically healthy obesity.12.9 Provide a list of five tips to offer athletes who would like to gain weight or muscle mass.12.10 Define what it means to adopt a healthy lifestyle.12.11 Describe what factors increase the likelihood of sustained weight loss maintenance.12.12 Provide a list of five tips to offer athletes who would like to lose weight or muscle mass. SN - PB - F. A. Davis Company CY - New York, NY Y2 - 2024/09/15 UR - fadavispt.mhmedical.com/content.aspx?aid=1185205123 ER -