TY - CHAP M1 - Book, Section TI - Summary Guides for Measuring Range of Motion A1 - Norkin, Cynthia C. A1 - White, D. Joyce PY - 2016 T2 - Measurement of Joint Motion: A Guide to Goniometry, 5e AB - Table Graphic Jump LocationSummary Guide for Measuring Shoulder Range of Motion With a GoniometerView Table||Download (.pdf)Summary Guide for Measuring Shoulder Range of Motion With a GoniometerMotionTesting PositionStabilizationFulcrumProximal Arm LandmarksDistal Arm LandmarksGlenohumeral (GH) flexionSupine, knees flexed; elbow in extension and forearm in neutral with palm facing body; do not abduct the shoulderScapula to prevent posterior tilt, upward rotation and elevationGreater tubercleMidaxillary line of thoraxLateral midline of humerusShoulder complex flexionSame as GH flexionThorax to prevent extension of spineSame as GH flexionSame as GH flexionSame as GH flexionGH extensionProne, face turned away from shoulder being tested; elbow in slight flexion and forearm in neutral with palm facing body; do not abduct the shoulderScapula to prevent elevation and anterior tiltGreater tubercleMidaxillary line of thoraxLateral midline of humerus using lateral epicondyle for referenceShoulder complex extensionSame as GH extensionThorax to prevent forward flexion of spineSame as GH extensionSame as GH extensionSame as GH extensionGH abductionSupine, with shoulder laterally rotated and elbow extendedScapula to prevent upward rotation and elevationAnterior aspect of acromion processParallel to anterior midline of sternumAnterior midline of humerus; medial epicondyle may be helpfulShoulder complex abductionSame as GH abductionThorax to prevent lateral flexion of spineSame as GH abductionSame as GH abductionSame as GH abductionGlenohumeral (GH) medial rotationSupine, shoulder in 90° abduction and elbow in 90° flexion; palm faces caudally; towel roll under distal humerus to levelScapula to prevent anterior tilt or protractionOlecranon processPerpendicular or parallel to the floorLateral midline of ulna using olecranon and ulnar styloid for referenceShoulder complex medial rotationSame as GH medial rotationDistal humerus to maintain 90° of shoulder abduction and 90° of elbow flexion; body weight stabilizes trunkSame as GH medial rotationSame as GH medial rotationSame as GH medial rotationGH lateral rotationSame as GH medial rotationScapula to prevent posterior tilt or retractionSame as GH medial rotationSame as GH medial rotationSame as GH medial rotationShoulder complex lateral rotationSame as GH medial rotationDistal humerus to maintain 90° of shoulder abduction and 90° of elbow flexion; body weight and plinth stabilize trunkSame as GH medial rotationSame as GH medial rotationSame as GH medial rotationGH = Glenohumeral. SN - PB - McGraw-Hill Education CY - New York, NY Y2 - 2024/09/11 UR - fadavispt.mhmedical.com/content.aspx?aid=1186281808 ER -