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  1. Understand basic concepts about the anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology of the vascular, lymphatic, and integumentary systems.

  2. Describe wound physiology related to normal and abnormal wound healing.

  3. Recognize the characteristics and risk factors of common disorders of the vascular, lymphatic, and integumentary systems.

  4. Identify the components of a comprehensive examination of a patient with a disorder related to the vascular, lymphatic, and/or integumentary systems.

  5. Analyze and integrate wound examination data to complete the physical therapy evaluation.

  6. Interpret the rationale for skin and wound care treatment with particular attention to moist wound healing, arterial wound hydration, venous wound compression, lymphedema treatment, and foot care for the patient with diabetes.

  7. Design an appropriate plan of care for an individual with a vascular, lymphatic, and/or integumentary disorder.

  8. Using the case study example, apply clinical decision-making skills and contemporary evidence to design a plan for a patient requiring advanced wound care.


Patients and clients with disorders of the vascular, lymphatic, and integumentary systems have complex and often interrelated health problems that must be recognized by their providers before healing can occur. In recent years, options for intervention have expanded significantly, empowering the physical therapy provider with challenging and rewarding clinical treatments for clients. This chapter offers foundational material on which to build sound, evidence-based clinical decisions. Though interrelated, the systems discussed have unique characteristics and functions. This chapter facilitates understanding of the separate systems and then illustrates how the systems are intricately and essentially related. The elements of examination and the intervention strategies for all disorders are combined to ensure that the overlapping health conditions, body functions and structures, environmental factors, and personal factors will be addressed and considered in the plan of care (POC) to positively affect participation and engagement in activities. In this text, information about thermal injuries is complementary and supplemental to the information in this chapter.


In the microscopic world of circulation, blood and lymph vessels permeate most tissues, carrying oxygen and nutrients while removing carbon dioxide and other waste products. Not all vessels involved are the “large tubes” often associated with the circulatory system. Capillaries are woven throughout most of the tissues of the body; they are found around muscle fibers, through connective tissues, and below the basement membrane of the epithelium.1 Since arteries and veins are too large and too thick to allow diffusion between the bloodstream and surrounding tissues, a delicate network of blood and lymph capillaries controls all chemical and gaseous exchange between blood, interstitial fluid, and lymph.1 In the normal system, homeostatic mechanisms adjust blood flow across the capillary walls to meet the needs of adjacent peripheral tissues. Consistently, new information is uncovered each year that further elucidates the complexities of the circulatory system and how it interacts with the other systems of the ...

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