The ongoing development of O’Sullivan and Schmitz’s Physical Rehabilitation has been in all aspects a collaborative venture. Its fruition has been made possible only through the expertise and gracious contributions of many talented individuals. Our appreciation is considerable.
Heartfelt thanks are extended to our contributing authors. Each has brought a unique body of knowledge, as well as distinct clinical practice expertise, to their respective chapters. Their commitment to physical therapist education is collectively displayed in content presentations that carefully reflect the scope of knowledge and skills required of a dynamic, evolving physical therapy practice environment. We are extremely grateful to each of our contributors and heartened by the excellence they bring to the eighth edition.
Heartfelt thanks are also extended to the practicing clinicians who prepared the case studies and video segments. Their contributions expertly move text content to clinical practice and significantly add to the development of the clinical reasoning skills of our readers.
Our appreciation goes to the dedicated professionals at F.A. Davis Company: Margaret Biblis, Editor-in-Chief; Jennifer Pine, Acquisitions Editor; Julie Chase, Content Project Manager; George Lang, Content Director; Paul Marino, and Amy Gibbons, former and current Senior Developmental Editors of Digital Products; Michael Kern, Editorial Department Associate; and Kate Margeson, Illustration Coordinator. These individuals are recognized for their continued support, encouragement, and unwavering commitment to excellence. Thanks also are extended to Cassie Carey, Senior Production Editor, and Rose Boul, Senior Art Coordinator, at Graphic World Publishing Services.
Importantly, we cannot thank Laura Horowitz, from York Content Development, enough for her assistance with editing. Her skills and knowledge have greatly enhanced the textbook, and the final product would not have been as good without her.
We wish to thank the numerous students, faculty, and clinicians who over the years have used O’Sullivan and Schmitz’s Physical Rehabilitation and provided us with meaningful and constructive comments that have greatly enhanced this edition. It is our sincere hope that this feedback will continue.
Finally, we are grateful to Drs. O’Sullivan and Schmitz for providing us with this opportunity. We hope to continue to build on their work with the goal of continually improving the text to meet the evolving needs of physical therapy students, educators, clinicians, and other health-care professionals.
Physical Rehabilitation was first published in 1981, and through its seven editions since, has become one of the most used and beloved texts in physical therapy education. Even as leadership of the eighth edition transfers into the capable hands of Dr. George Fulk and Dr. Kevin Chui, the contributions and impact of Dr. O’Sullivan and Dr. Schmitz’s work endures. F. A. Davis Company is proud to have been a partner in this title’s success and hereforth recognizes the original author’s work with the permanent addition of their names to the title.