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ventilation tube

SEE: grommet.


(vent′ĭ-lāt″ŏr) [L. ventilare, to fan] A mechanical device that moves gases into and out of the lungs. The mechanism is typically machine driven and automated.

automatic transport v. ABBR: ATV. A portable battery- or gas-powered ventilator that can be used while transporting patients between locations. The ATV is designed for short-term use and often has separate volume and rate controls.

ventilator graphics

Visual representations of airway pressures or airway flows as they vary over time.

ventilatory weaning response, dysfunctional

(vent′ĭl-ă-tor″ē) ABBR: DVWR. Inability to adjust to lowered levels of mechanical ventilator support that interrupts and prolongs the weaning process. SEE: Nursing Diagnoses Appendix.


(vent′ŏ-lĭn) SEE: albuterol.


(ven-toos′) [Fr. ventose, a cupping glass] 1. A glass or glass-shaped vessel used in cupping. 2. A vacuum extractor used in a ventouse delivery. SEE: ventouse delivery.


(ven′trad) [venter + -ad] Toward the ventral aspect.


(ven′trăl) [L. ventralis, pert. to the belly] 1. Pert. to the venter (belly). 2. Toward the belly of the organism.


(ven-trā′lĭs) [L. ventralis, pert. to the belly] Anterior, or closer to the front.

ventral pontine syndrome

(ven′trăl pon′tīn″) Locked-in state.


(ven′tri-kĕl) [L. ventriculus, a little belly] 1. A small cavity. 2. One of the four, interconnected, ependyma-lined cavities inside the brain in which cerebrospinal fluid is generated continuously. SEE: illus.




Left lateral view


fourth v. The most caudal of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-filled cavities inside the brain. The fourth ventricle extends beneath the cerebellum in the roof of the hindbrain from the caudal end of the cerebral aqueduct to the central canal of the medulla (above the middle of the olivary nuclei). The choroid plexus inside the fourth ventricle adds CSF to the fluid draining through the cerebral aqueduct from the third ventricle. CSF flows out of the fourth ventricle into the subarachnoid space surrounding the brain and spinal cord, exiting through three small openings: the median aperture (foramen of Magendie) and the two lateral apertures (foramina of Luschka).

laryngeal v. The space within the larynx between the vestibular and vocal folds.

lateral v. One of the two mirror-image, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-filled cavities inside the cerebral hemispheres of the brain. Each lateral ventricle is C-shaped and ...

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