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(trŏf″ō-păth′ē-ă) [″ + pathos, disease, suffering] 1. Any disorder of nutrition. 2. A trophic disease.


(trō″fŏ-zō′īt″) [tropho- + zoo- + -ite] A sporozoan nourished by its hosts during its growth stage.


[Gr. trophē, nourishment] Suffix meaning nutrition, nourishment, growth.


(trō′pē-ă) [Gr. tropē, a turn + -ia] Deviation of the eye or eyes away from the visual axis; observed with the eyes open and uncovered. Esotropia indicates inward or nasal deviation; exotropia, outward; hypertropia, upward; hypotropia, downward. SYN: manifest squint; strabismus. SEE: -phoria.


[Gr. tropē, a turn + -ia] Suffix meaning turning. SEE: tropia.


[Gr. tropikos, pert. to a turn, fr. tropos, turn] Suffix meaning turned to, attracted to. This suffix is frequently confused with -trophic. SEE: -trophic.


(trŏp′ĭ-kal) [Gr. tropikos, turning] Pert. to the tropics.

tropical pulmonary eosinophilia

(ē″ŏ-sin″ŏ-fil′ē-ă) ABBR: TPE. Cough, dyspnea, wheezing, and fatigue, typically in people who have lived or travelled to SE Asia and become infected with B. malayi, B. timori, or W. bancrofti. In affected people, very high levels of eosinophils, immunoglobulin E, and antibodies to filarial antigens are identified via laboratory analysis.


[trop- + -in] Suffix indicating the stimulating effect of a substance, esp. a hormone, on its target organ. The suffix -trophin is frequently used as a variant of -tropin even though the suffixes -trop and -troph are of different origins.


(trō′pĭn) An alkaloid, C8H15NO, that smells like tobacco. It is present in certain plants.


(trō′pizm) [trop- + -ism] The involuntary response of an organism as a bending, turning, or movement toward (positive tropism) or away from (negative tropism) an external stimulus such as light, heat, gravity, or chemical or nutritional changes. SEE: chemotropism; geotropism; hydrotropism; phototropism.


(trō″pō-kŏl′ă-jĕn) [″ + collagen] The basic molecular unit of collagen fibrils, composed of three polypeptide chains.


(trŏp-ŏm′ĕ-ter) [″ + metron, measure] 1. A device for measuring the rotation of the eyeballs. 2. An instrument for measuring torsion in long bones.


(trō″pō-mī′ō-sĭn) An inhibitory protein in muscle fibers; it blocks myosin from forming cross-bridges with actin until shifted by troponin-calcium ion interaction.


(trō′pŏ-nĭn) An inhibitory protein in muscle fibers. The ...

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