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(rŏm′bĕrg-ĭzm) The tendency to fall from a standing position when the eyes are closed and the feet are close together. SEE: Romberg’s sign.

Romberg sign

(rom′bĕrg″) [Moritz Heinrich Romberg, Ger. physician, 1795–1873] The inability to maintain body balance when the eyes are shut and the feet are close together. The sign is positive if the patient sways and falls when the eyes are closed. This is seen in sensory ataxia and following traumatic brain injury.


(rŏn-zhŭr′) [Fr., to gnaw] An instrument for removing small amounts of tissue, particularly bone; formerly called bone nippers. It is a spring-loaded forceps with a sharp blade that may be either end cutting or side cutting.

Röntgen, Wilhelm Konrad, Roentgen, Wilhelm Konrad

(rent′gĕn, rönt′) German physicist, 1845–1923, who discovered roentgen rays (x-rays) in 1895. He won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1901.

roofer’s knee

SEE: under knee.


(room) An area or space in a building, partitioned off for occupancy or available for specific procedures.

anechoic r. A room in which the boundaries are made so that all sound produced in the room is not reflected, but absorbed.

birthing r. A room in which an obstetrical mother may be placed during the first stage of labor. SYN: labor r.

clean r. A controlled-environment facility in which all incoming air passes through a filter capable of removing 99.97% of all particles 0.3 µ and larger. The temperature, pressure, and humidity in the room are controlled. Clean rooms are used in research and in controlling infections, esp. for patients who do not have normally functioning immune systems, e.g., patients who have been treated with immunosuppressive drugs in preparation for organ transplantation.

 Very rarely, a child is born without the ability to develop an immune system. Such children are kept in a clean room while waiting for specific therapy, such as bone marrow transplantation.

delivery r. A room to which an obstetrical patient may be taken for childbirth.

dust-free r. A room designed to eliminate or reduce circulating particulate matter, including airborne microorganisms. Such a room is useful for housing burn patients, removing allergens from the air, providing an environment for transplantation surgery, and preparing drugs and solutions for intravenous use.

hybrid operating r. An operating room equipped with imaging devices or technologies, such as fluoroscopy, computed tomography scanning, or magnetic resonance imaging.

labor r. Birthing r.

operating r. A room used and equipped for surgical procedures, as in a hospital, surgicenter, or doctor’s office.

pharmaceutical clean r....

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