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iron poisoning

SEE: under poisoning.

iron storage disease



(ĭ-rā′dē-āt) [L. in, into, + radiare, to emit rays] 1. To expose to radiation. 2. To treat with high-energy x-rays or other forms of radiation. SEE: irradiation.


(ĭ-rā′dē-āt″ĭng) Diverging or spreading out from a common center.


(i-rād″ē-ā′shŏn) 1. The diagnostic or therapeutic application of x-ray photons, nuclear particles, high-speed electrons, ultraviolet rays, or other forms of radiation to a patient. 2. The application of a form of radiation to an object or substance to give it therapeutic value or increase that which it already has. 3. A phenomenon in which a bright object on a dark background appears larger than a dark object of the same size on a bright background. 4. The spreading in all directions from a common center, e.g., nerve impulses, the sensation of pain.

food i. The preservation of foods with ionizing radiation. Radiation extends the shelf life of foods by decreasing the number of germs and insects present in them. The process is expensive and has met with considerable resistance from consumers.

interstitial i. Therapeutic irradiation by insertion into the tissues of capillary tubes or beads containing radon (a radioactive isotope). It may be temporary or permanent.

lymphoid i. Exposure of an organ recipient’s lymphocytes to ionizing radiation before organ transplantation, in an effort to decrease the likelihood of rejection of the donor graft.

prophylactic cranial i. ABBR: PCI. Radiation therapy used to prevent cancers, e.g., small cell carcinoma of the lung, from metastasizing to the brain.

i. of reflexes The spreading of reflexes through the central nervous system whereby impulses entering the cord in one segment activate motor neurons located in many segments.


(ĭr-rash′ŏn-ăl) Contrary to what is reasonable or logical; used of ideas or beliefs that are unprovable, unsound, or unwise.


(ĭr″rē-dū′sĭ-bl) [L. in-, not, + re, back, + ducere, to lead] Not capable of being reduced or made smaller, as a fracture or dislocation.


(ĭr″ē-vĕr′sĭ-bl) Impossible to reverse.


(ĭr′ĭ-gāt) [L. in, into, + rigare, to carry water] To wash out with a fluid.


(ir″ĭ-gā′shŏn) [L. irrigatio, watering] The cleansing of a canal or cavity or the washing of a wound by flushing with water or other fluids. The solutions used for cleansing should be sterile and, for comfort, have an approximate temperature slightly warmer than body temperature (100° to 115°F [37.8° to 46.1°C]). When irrigation ...

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