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(im″yŭ-nō-fēn′ŏ-tīp″ing, i-mū″nō-fēn′ŏ-tīp″ing) Differentiation among subsets of lymphocytes, using antibodies that select for identifying molecules on their cell membranes.


(ĭm″ū-nō-prē-sĭp″ĭ-tā′shŭn) The formation of a precipitate when an antigen and antibody interact.

immunoprecipitin analysis

(ĭm″ū-nō-prē-sĭp′ĭ-tĭn, ĭ-mū″) An immunoassay in which the antibody-antigen reaction forms a visible substance that drops out of solution. This is most commonly represented by turbidity in a liquid matrix or a band of turbidity in a gel matrix. The amount of turbidity or the size of the band allows quantification.


(im″yŭ-nō-prŏ-lif′ĕ-rāt″iv, im-ū′nō-, -prŏ-lif′ĕ-răt-iv) [immuno- + proliferative] Pert. to the rapid growth and dissemination of cells and tissues involved in producing antibodies.


(im″yŭ-nō-prō″fĭ-lak′sis, i-mū″nō-prō″fĭ-lak′sis) Prevention of disease by administration of agents (such as immunoglobulins or vaccines) that bolster immunity.


(ĭm″ū-nō-prō′tē-ĭn) [″ + Gr. protos, first] An immunologically active protein, esp. one that is used as a target for immunological probes or therapies.


(ĭ-mū″nō-rē-ăk′tănt) Any of the substances involved in immunological reactions, including immunoglobulins, complement components, and specific antigens.


(ĭ-mū″nō-rē-ăk′shŭn) The reaction of an antibody to an antigen, exploited in some laboratory tests that stain, isolate, or purify cells that express specific markers on their cell membranes.


(ĭm″ū-nō-sĭn-tĭg′ră-fē) The imaging of specific tissues by means of their binding to radioactively labeled monoclonal antibodies; used to detect metastatic cancer. The release of radiation from the antibodies is detected and quantified. SYN: radioimmunoimaging.


(ĭm″ū-nō-sĕ-lĕk′shŭn) The enhanced survival of cells or organisms that have favorable cell surface markers. The antigens allow the cells organisms to escape destruction by humoral or cell-mediated immunity.


(ĭm″ū-nō-sĭ-nĕs′ĕns) The age-associated decline of the immune system and host defense mechanisms. Older individuals frequently have a decline in cell-mediated immunity and secondary declines in humoral immunity. The clinician caring for an older patient can assume that the individual has defective host defenses, is at greater risk for developing an infectious disease, and has an increased risk of morbidity and mortality from infectious diseases.


(im″yŭ-nō-sig′nă-chŭr, im-ū″nō-sig′nă-chŭr) [immuno- + signature] The specific antibodies or antigens in a sample of tissue or body fluids that uniquely identify that sample.


(im″yŭ-nō-sor′bĕnt, im-ū″nō-) [Shortening of immunoadsorbent] 1. Pert. to an antibody or antigen used in immunoadsorption. SEE: immunoadsorption. 2. An immunosorbent substance. SYN: immunoabsorbent; immunoadsorbent.


(ĭm″ū-nō-stĭm′ū-lā-tŏr) SEE: immunotherapy.



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