(noor″ō-pĕp′tĭ-dās, nūr″) [″ + ″] An enzyme that cleaves peptides in neurons.
(noor″ō-pep′tīd″) [neuro- + peptide] A neurotransmitter consisting of a short chain of chemically linked amino acids. Most neuropeptides are secreted as prohormones that are modified by proteolysis before they become biochemically active in the body.
(nū″rō-făr″mă-kŏl′ō-jē) [″ + pharmakon, drug, + logos, word, reason] The branch of pharmacology concerned with the effects of drugs on the nervous system.
(noor″ŏ-fil′ik) [neuro- + -philic] Having an affinity for nervous tissue; neurotropic.
(nū″rŏf-thăl-mŏl′ō-jē) [″ + ophthalmos, eye, + logos, word, reason] Neuro-ophthalmology.
(nū″rō-fī′zĭn) Proteins secreted by the hypothalamus that are involved in the transport of oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin).
neurophysiological treatment approach
(nūr″ō-fĭz″ē-ō-lŏj′ĭ-kăl) In occupational and physical therapy, various techniques used in sensorimotor rehabilitation that rely on voluntary and involuntary activation, facilitation, and inhibition of muscle action through the reflex arc.
(noor″ō-fiz″ē-ol′ŏ-jē) [neuro- + physiology] The physiology of the nervous system.
(noor′ŏ-pil, noor′ŏ-pīl″) [neuro- + Gr. pilos, felt] The gray matter of the central nervous system, a network of neurons, neuroglia, and their cell processes.
(noor″ō-plas-tis′ĭt-ē) [neuro- + plasticity] 1. The ability of the nervous system to adapt to trauma or disease. 2. The ability of nerve cells to grow and form new connections to other neurons.
(noor′ŏ-por″) [neuro- + pore] Either of two embryonic openings, rostral or caudal, from the neural canal to the exterior.
(noor″ō-pros-thē′sĭs) [neuro- + prosthesis] SYN: interface; brain-computer interface.
(noor″ō-pros-thet’iks) [neuro- + prosthetics] The specialty pert. to biomedically engineered devices that connect to the peripheral or central nervous system and enhance the cognitive, motor, or sensory abilities of an organism. SYN: neural prosthetics. neuroprosthetic, adj. neuroprosthetic (noor″ō-pros-thet′ik), n.
(nūr″ō-prō-tĕk′shŭn) The science of minimizing secondary neurologic damage following stroke or trauma. Certain drugs, enzymes, hormones, and physical actions, such as inducing hypothermia, may act as neuroprotectors.
(nū″rō-sī-kī′ă-trĭst) [″ + psyche, mind, + iatreia, healing] A specialist in neuropsychiatry.
(nū″rō-sī-kī′ă-trē) The branch of medicine concerned with the study and treatment of both neurological and psychiatric diseases.
(nū″rō-sī″kō-făr″mă-kŏl′ō-jē) [″ + ...