neurogenic, neurogenous
(noor″ŏ-jen′ik, noor-oj′ĕ-nŭs) [neuro- + -genic, -genous] 1. Originating from nervous tissue. 2. Resulting from nerve impulses.
Constipation or incontinence of stool in people who have diseases or injuries to the brain or spinal cord. Neurogenic bowel is often accompanied by neurogenic bladder and/or sexual dysfunction.
(noo-rog′lē-ă) [neuro- + glia] Glia. neuroglial (noo-rog′lē-ăl), adj.
(nū″rō-glī-ō′mă) [Gr. neuron, nerve, + glia, glue, + oma, tumor] Glioma.
n. ganglionare A glioma containing ganglion cells. SYN: ganglioneuroma.
(noor″ō-glī-kō-pē′nē-ă) [neuro- + glyco- + -penia] Hypoglycemia of sufficient duration and degree to interfere with normal brain metabolism. Untreated patients may experience confusion, agitation, coma, or brain damage. SYN: glucopenic brain injury.
(noor′ŏ-gram″) [neuro- + -gram] Engram.
(noor-ŏg′rŭ-fē, nūr-) [″ + ″] Radiological imaging of the brain, spinal cord, or peripheral nerves.
(nū″rō-hĭs-tŏl′ō-jē) [″ + histos, tissue, + logos, study] The microscopic anatomy of peripheral nerves and the central nervous system.
(noor″ō-hī-pof′ĭ-sĭs) [neuro- + hypophysis] The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland (hypophysis), consisting of the pars intermedia and the infundibulum. SYN: posterior pituitary; posterior lobe; posterior lobe of hypophysis; posterior lobe of pituitary gland.
(noor″ō-im′ă-jing) [neuro- + imaging] The visual or graphic representation of the anatomy, blood flow, electrical activity, metabolism, oxygen usage, receptor sites, or other physiological functions of the central nervous system.
functional n. Radiologic identification of any physiological process in the brain, such as its blood flow, electrical activity, metabolism, or oxygen or water uptake.
volumetric n. Volumetric brain imaging.
(noor″ō-in-vā′siv) Pert. to infectious agents, such as viruses, that are capable of penetrating the blood-brain barrier that defends the central nervous system and/or nerve cells from injury or infection. Neuroinvasive viruses include herpes simplex viruses, rabies virus, and West Nile virus.
(noor″ō-kī′nĭn) [neuro- + kinin] ABBR: NK. Any of a group of neuropeptides found in the central nervous system that stimulate nerve receptors and cause smooth muscle contraction, blood pressure reduction, and bronchoconstriction.
(noor″ŏ-lep′tik) [neuro- + Gr. lēptikos, taking, seizing] Antipsychotic.
neuroleptic malignant syndrome
(noor″ŏ-lep′tik) ABBR: NMS. A potentially fatal syndrome marked by hyperthermia, catatonic rigidity, altered mental status, profuse sweating, and, occasionally, rhabdomyolysis, renal failure, seizures, and death. ...