An assistive device used to move the lower extremities from one place or surface to another; it typically consists of a large loop attached to a manually operated handle that encircles and lifts the foot or thigh. It is used by people who have difficulty moving their legs as a result of edema, joint disease, obesity, stroke, or other disabilities.
(leg′ūm″, lĕ-gūm′) [L. legumen, pulse, bean] 1. A plant in the family Leguminosae (or Fabaceae), including alfalfa, beans, carob, clover, lentils, peas, peanuts, and soybeans. 2. The fruit or pod of a legume.
COMPOSITION: Legumes are a rich source of protein and essential amino acids. They contain legumin, a globulin, and significant quantities of dietary fiber, iron, and calcium.
VITAMINS: Sprouted beans are a good source of vitamin B complex. Vitamin A and ascorbic acid are present in small amounts.
CARBOHYDRATES: Carbohydrate is present in the form of starch in about the same proportion as in the cereals but with more cellulose. leguminous (lĕ-gū′mĭ-nŭs), adj.
(lĕ-gū′mĭn) [L. legumen, pulse, bean] An albumin present in many leguminous seeds. SEE: legume.
(līn′ĕr) [Karl Leiner, Austrian pediatrician, 1871–1930] Exfoliative dermatitis.
(līn′ĭng-ĕr) The founder and leader of transcultural nursing who developed the Theory of Cultural Care Diversity and Universality.
[Gr. leios, smooth] Prefixes meaning smooth.
(lī″ō-mī″ō-fī-brō′mă) [″ + mys, muscle, + L. fibra, fiber, + Gr. oma, tumor] A benign tumor composed principally of smooth muscle and fibrous connective tissue.
(lī″ō-mī-ō′ma, ′mă-tā) pl. leiomyomas, leiomyomata [leio- + myoma] A benign tumor consisting principally of smooth muscle. Many leiomyomas are asymptomatic.
epithelioid l. A leiomyoma, usually of the stomach.
uterine l. A leiomyoma of the uterus. It is the most common tumor of the female reproductive tract.
SYMPTOMS: Leiomyomas may sometimes cause abdominal or pelvic heaviness, abnormal uterine bleeding, frequent urination, dysparunia, or pain.
Leiomyomas are classified according to their location. Subserous leiomyomas are found in the peritoneal covering of the uterus. They may be large or small, firm protuberances from the outer surface of the uterus or be attached by pedicles. Intraligamentous leiomyomas are found in the broad ligament. They may have uterine attachment. Intramural leiomyomas are found in the muscle wall of the uterus. If large, they can give the uterus a nodular, irregular shape. Submucosal leiomyomas are found next to the endometrium. Their most common symptoms are excessive, often abnormal bleeding, abdominal cramping, ...