(hĕp″ă-tĭ-zā′shŭn) The second and third stages in consolidation in lobar pneumonia, in which the lung’s surface looks solid, like the liver.
[Gr. hēpar, stem hēpat-, liver] Prefixes meaning liver.
(hĕp″ă-tō-blăs-tō′mă) [″ + ″] A rare, aggressive malignant tumor of the liver, typically found in children age 3 or younger. It may consist of epithelial cells, fetal cells, or mesenchymal tissues.
(hĕp″ă-tō-kăr-sin′ŏ-jĕn) Anything that causes cancer of the liver.
(hep″ăt-ō-kar″sĭn-ō′mă) [hepato- + carcinoma] Hepatocellular carcinoma.
(hep″ăt-ō-sel′yŭ-lăr) [hepato- + cellular] Pert. to or arising from the cells of the liver.
(hĕp″ă-tō-kō-lăn″jē-ō-găs-trŏs′tō-mē) [″ + ″ + ″ + gaster, belly, + stoma, mouth] The establishment of drainage of bile ducts into the stomach.
(hep′ăt-ŏ-sīt″) [hepato- + -cyte] Liver cell
(hĕp″ă-tō-ĕn-tĕr′ĭk) [″ + enteron, intestine] Relating to the liver and intestines.
(he-pŭt-ō-fyü-gŭl) Flowing away from the liver. Said of blood.
(hĕp″ă-tō-găs′trĭk) [Gr. hepatikos, liver, + gaster, belly] Relating to the liver and stomach.
(hĕp″ă-tŏj′ĕ-nŭs) Originating in the liver.
(hĕp″ă-tŏg′ră-fē) [″ + graphein, to write] Radiography of the liver, usually after injection of a radiographic contrast medium.
(hĕp″ă-tō-jŭg′ū-lăr) Concerning the liver and jugular vein.
(hĕp″ă-tō-lĕn-tĭk′ū-lăr) [″ + L. lenticula, lentil, lens] Relating to the liver and lenticular nucleus of the eye.
(hĕp″ă-tō-lĭ-thī′ă-sĭs) [″ + ″ + -iasis, disease condition] A condition characterized by stones in the intrahepatic ducts.
(hĕp″ă-tŏl′ō-jĭst) [″ + logos, word, reason] A specialist in diseases of the liver.
(hĕp″ă-tŏl′ō-jē) [″ + logos, word, reason] The study of the liver.
(hĕp″ă-tō′mă) [″ + oma, tumor] Any liver tumor, benign or malignant. The term is usually used to describe a hepatocellular carcinoma.
(hep″ăt-ō-meg′ă-lē) [hepato- + -megaly] Enlargement of the liver, e.g., in alcoholic hepatitis, passive congestion of the liver, or liver cancer.