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(dĭs″ăr-thrō′sis) [″ + arthrosis, joint] Joint malformation or deformity.


(dis″ot″ŏ-nō′mē-ă) [dys- + Gr. autonomia, freedom to use one’s own laws, independence] Any condition or disease in which the sympathetic or parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system malfunction.


(dis″bī-ō′sĭs) [dys- + Gr. biōsis, mode of living] An unhealthy change in the normal bacterial ecology of a part of body, e.g., of the intestines or the oral cavity. Dysbiotic changes are found in inflammatory diseases such as Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis.


(dĭs″kăl-kū′lē-ă) [″ + L. calculare, to compute] An inability to make calculations. It may be found in childhood as a learning disability or may result from a stroke.


(dĭs-sĕf′ă-lē) Malformation of the head and facial bones.


(dĭs-kē′zē-ă) [″ + chezein, to defecate] Painful or difficult bowel movements.


(dĭs-kī′rē-ă) [″ + cheir, hand] Inability to tell which side of the body has been touched. If the sensation is referred to the wrong side, it is called allochiria, or allesthesia. If referred to both sides, it is called synchiria. SYN: acheiria.


(dĭs″kŏn-drō-plā′zē-ă) Chondrodysplasia.


(dĭs″krō-mă-tŏp′sē-ă) [″ + chroma, color, + opsis, vision] Imperfect color vision.


(dĭs″krō′mē-ă) Discoloration, as of the skin.


Poor professional performance in a limited number of crucial or expected skills.


(dĭs-kō′rē-ă) [″ + kore, pupil] Abnormal form or shape of the pupil.


(dĭs-krā′zē-ă) [Gr. dyskrasia, bad temperament] An old term meaning abnormal mixture of the four humors. The word is now used as a synonym for disease, esp. hematologic disease.

dysdiadochokinesia, dysdiadokokinesia

(dis″dī″ad″ŏ-kō″kī-nē′zh(ē-)ă) [dys- + Gr. diadochos, succeeding + -kinesia] An impairment in making smooth and rapid alternating movements, e.g., tapping two objects separated by 30.5 cm (12 in.) 32 times in 15 seconds. This indicates ataxia (impaired cerebellar function). SYN: rapid alternating movement test.


(dis-em″brē-ō-plā′zh(ē-)ă) [dys- + embryo + -plasia] Fetal malformation occurring during growth of the embryo.


(dĭs″ĕn-tĕr′ĭk) Pert. to dysentery.


(dis′ĕn-ter″ē) [dys- + enteron] Diarrhea containing blood and mucus, resulting from inflammation of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, esp. the colon.

 CAUSES: Dysentery is caused by bacterial, parasitic, protozoan, ...

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