Fears that people with diabetes have about the disease, its potential complications, or its management.
One who is professionally certified as a diabetes educator by the National Certification Board for Diabetes Educators. The person certified is given the designation CDE.
(dī-ă-bĕt′ĭk) 1. Pert. to or affected by diabetes. 2. Permissible or fit for patients with diabetes. 3. A person with diabetes.
Daily inspection, cleaning, and thorough drying of the feet of a diabetic to prevent complications.
PATIENT CARE: In-home care by the patient or a caregiver should include a daily foot inspection for cracks in the skin, calluses, abrasions, lacerations, blisters, ulcers, or ingrowing nails; changes in color or temperature; or loss of capillary refill. Any of these should be reported to a health care professional. Diabetic patients should be advised to keep their feet warm and dry, to wear clean shoes with good support, to avoid walking barefoot or without socks, and to trim nails carefully. Tobacco products, which decrease arterial blood flow, should be avoided. Professional diabetic foot care includes examination of the feet for diminished pulses (or other circulatory problems); examination of the feet for sensation (with monofilament testing); and consulting a podiatrist or diabetic care specialist at least once a year. Deficiencies in diabetic foot care can have disastrous complications, including amputations and Charcot foot.
diabetic ketoacidosis
(dī″ă-bĕt″ō-jĕn′ĭk) [″ + gennan, to produce] Causing diabetes.
(dī″ă-bĕ-tol′ŏ-jē) [diabetes + -logy] The medical specialty concerned with diabetes mellitus. It is a subspecialty within the field of endocrinology. diabetologist (dī″ă-bĕ-tol′ŏ-jist), n.
(dī-ăs′ĕ-tāt) A salt of diacetic acid.
(dī″as″ĕ-toks″ē-sēr′pĕ-nol″) ABBR: DAS. A deadly toxin derived from Fusarium species. DAS may grow on and contaminate cereals and other stored crops and can be toxic to fungi, plants, and animals (including humans). It has been used in the past in chemotherapy and can be used as an agent of biological or chemical warfare. SYN: anguidine.
(dī-ŭ-sēt-ĭl) An organic chemical, formula (C4H6O2) found naturally in some nutrients and used commercially to give a buttery flavor to processed foods. Diseases of the respiratory tract including obliterative bronchiolitis have been associated with inhalation of diacetyl, including in coffee grinding facilities, popcorn manufacturing, and vaping. SYN: 2,3-butanedione.
(dī″ă-sē″tĭl-mor′fēn) Heroin.
(dī-ăs′ĭd-ĭk) [Gr. dis, twice, + L. acidus, soured] Containing two acidic hydrogen ions.