(glŏ-mer″yŭ-lop′ă-thē) [glomerulo- + -pathy] Any disease of the renal glomeruli, typically presenting with loss of protein in urine.
collapsing g. Glomerulopathy marked by renal failure and massive proteinuria. It is often considered to be a variant of focal segmental glomerulonephritis. It is characterized pathologically by wrinkling of the glomerular basement membranes, collapse of glomerular capillaries, vacuolization of podocytes, and tubulointerstitial damage. It can be difficult to treat and frequently relapses after remission.
(glŏ-mer″yŭ-lō″sklĕ-rō′sĭs) Fibrosis of renal glomeruli associated with protein loss in the urine; the loss of protein may be massive.
diabetic g. Proliferation of mesangial cells and glomerular scarring in some patients with diabetes mellitus. SYN: intercapillary g.
focal segmental g. An irreversible form of glomerular injury often seen in patients with a history of injection drug use or AIDS.
(glō-mer′yŭ-lŭs, glō-mer′yŭ-lī″, glō-mer′yŭ-lē″) pl. glomeruli [L. glomerulus, a ball] 1. One of the capillary networks that are part of the renal corpuscles in the nephrons of the kidney. Each is surrounded by a Bowman’s capsule, the site of renal (glomerular) filtration, which is the first step in the formation of urine. SEE: illus. 2. A group of twisted capillaries or nerve fibers.
(glō′mŭs, glom′ĕ-ră, glō′mī″, glō′ mē″) pl. glomera, glomi [L. glomus, a ball] A small, round swelling made of tiny blood vessels and found in stromata containing many nerve fibers. glomoid (glō′moyd″), adj.
g. caroticum Carotid body.
(glos′ă) [Gr. glōssa, glōtta, tongue] The tongue. SEE: tongue.
(glos′ăl) [glossa + -al] Pert. to the tongue.
(glŏs-ĕk′tō-mē) [″ + ektome, excision] Surgical excision of the tongue.
[Gr. glōssa, tongue + -ia] Suffix meaning tongue (of a specific kind, e.g., diglossia, microglossia).
(glŏs-sī′nă) A genus consisting of the tsetse flies, which includes 23 bloodsucking species that live principally in central and southern Africa. They transmit the trypanosomes Trypanosoma gambiense and T. rhodesiense, which cause sleeping sickness in humans, and other trypanosomes that infect wild and domestic animals. SEE: sleeping sickness; Trypanosoma.
(glo-sīt′ĭs) [glosso- + -itis] An inflammation of the tongue.
benign migratory g. Geographic tongue.
[Gr. glōssa, tongue] Prefixes meaning tongue. SEE: glotto-.