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Forced expiratory technique; forced expiratory time.


(fēt′ăl) [fet(us) + -al] Pert. to a fetus.

fetal abdominal circumference

The ultrasonographic measurement of the circumference of the abdomen of a fetus at the level of the stomach, the left portal vein, and the left umbilical vein. The measurement is used to estimate fetal weight and gestational age.

fetal activity diary

A periodic record used to count and compare fetal movements at different times. The woman may record the number of fetal movements in a given time, e.g., 1 hr, the average number of movements occurring during the same length of time at different times during the day, or the amount of time needed for a specified number of movements to occur, e.g., 10. SEE: Cardiff Count-to-Ten.

fetal akinesia deformation sequence

ABBR: FADS. A rare, autosomal recessive syndrome of unknown cause in which the developing fetus does not move normally and suffers severe developmental consequences. FADS is characterized by intrauterine growth retardation, underdevelopment of the lungs, contractures of joints, and malformation of the face. The condition is frequently fatal.

fetal alcohol effects

Fetal alcohol syndrome.

fetal alcohol syndrome

ABBR: FAS. Birth defects (including prominent intellectual disabilities) in infants born to mothers who consumed large amounts of alcoholic beverages during gestation. Characteristic findings in the infant include a small head with multiple facial abnormalities: small eyes with short slits; a wide, flat nasal bridge; a midface that lacks a groove between the lip and the nose; and a small jaw related to maxillary hypoplasia. Affected children often exhibit persistent growth retardation, hyperactivity, and learning deficits. They may show signs and symptoms of alcohol withdrawal shortly after birth. SYN: fetal alcohol effects.

 INCIDENCE: FAS is present in between 1 to 3 child births per 1000.

 CAUSES: FAS is caused by consumption of alcohol on a daily basis (or in binges) before or during pregnancy.

 SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS: Birth defects that result from FAS are marked by abnormalities in growth, central nervous system function, and facial characteristics. Facial abnormalities detected at birth may become less obvious as the child continues to grow. Much more serious, however, are the developmental delays that affect the child’s behaviors, social skills, and learning. Included are hyperactivity, poor social skills and judgment, impulsiveness, poor ego or self-image, sensory processing problems, and high levels of anxiety. Mental retardation due to the abnormal migration of neural and glial cells during cell differentiation may be the cause of an IQ below 79 at age 7. It may seriously impair the child’s potential. Poor fine motor function (weak ...

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