[L. aequus, equal] Prefix meaning equal.
(i-kwil′ĭ-brāt″ing) [L. aequilibrare, be in balance] Coming into a state of equilibrium.
(ē-kwĭl″ĭ-brā′shŭn) The modification of masticatory forces or occlusal surfaces of teeth to produce simultaneous occlusal contacts between upper and lower teeth, and to equalize the stress of occlusal forces of the supporting tissues of the teeth. SYN: occlusal equilibration.
occlusal e. Equilibration.
(ē″kwĭ-lib′rē-ŭm, ek″wĭ-ib′rĕ-ŭm) [aequilibrium a level or horizontal position] A state of balance; a condition in which contending forces are equal.
Donnan e. SEE: Donnan equilibrium.
dynamic e. 1. The sense of balance while the body or head is in motion. This is maintained by coordinating data from postural (stretch) receptors in the limbs with data from the inner ear and cerebellum. 2. Homeostasis.
nitrogen e. Nitrogen balance.
nitrogenous e. Nitrogen balance.
physiological e. In nutritional theory, a state in which the body’s intake and excretion of nutrients are perfectly matched.
static e. The ability to maintain a steady position of the head and body in relation to gravity. It is integrated with the equilibrium of movement, or dynamic equilibrium. It can be assessed by asking a patient to stand still with two feet closely placed next to each other, with one foot in front of the other, or on one leg. SYN: static balance.
thermal e. A condition in which two substances exist at the same temperature and in which heat transfer is therefore in a steady state.
(ĕk′wĭl-ĭn) [L. equus, horse] Crystalline estrogenic hormone derived from the urine of pregnant mares.
(ē″kwĭ-mŏ′-lăr) In the quantitative comparison of chemical substances, having the same molar concentration.
(ē′kwīn″) [L. equinus, fr equus, horse] Pert. to a horse or horses.
(e-kwī″nō-var′ŭs, ek″wi-nō-var′ŭs) [L. equinus, equine + varus] A form of clubfoot combining pes equinus and talipes varus, i.e., walking without touching the heel to the ground and with the sole turned inward. SEE: pes equinus; talipes varus.
(ē′kwĭ-poyz″, ĕk′wĭ-) In the design of clinical trials, a state in which the risks and benefits of alternative treatments offered during the trial are balanced, so that no pre-existing advantage is known to exist for one treatment arm over the other. This is a required ethical consideration in clinical research.
(ē″kwĭ-pŏ-ten′shăl, ek″kwĭ-pŏ-ten′shăl) [...