(ĕ-lek″trō-fiz″ē-ol′ŏ-jē) [electro- + physiology] 1. Study of the relationships of body functions to electrical phenomena, e.g., the effects of electrical stimulation on tissues, the production of electric currents by organs and tissues, and the therapeutic use of electric currents. 2. The study and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias. electrophysiologist (ĕ-lek″trō-fiz″ē-ol′ŏ-jĭst), n.
electrophysiology study
(ē-lĕk″trō-po-rā′shŭn) 1. An electrical device for delivering medications transdermally. 2. The opening of pores in cellular or nuclear membranes with electrical current. It has been used as a treatment for some solid tumors.
(i-lek″trō-poz′ĭt-iv) [electro- + L. positive] 1. Charged with positive electricity, which results in the repulsion of bodies electrified positively and the attraction of bodies electrified negatively. 2. Pert. to the lesser tendency of some elements to attract electrons from another element or complex. For example, boron is more electropositive than fluorine. SEE: electronegative.
(ē-lĕk″trō-rē-sĕk′shŭn) Removal of tissue by use of an electric device such as an electrocautery.
(ē-lek″trō-ret′ĭn-ŏ-gram″) ABBR: ERG. A record of the electrical responses of the light-sensitive portions of the eye to stimulation. It can be used to identify congenital and acquired forms of blindness.
(ē-lĕk″trō-sĭ′zhŭn) [″ + L. scindere, to cut] Division of tissues by electrocautery.
(ē-lĕk′trō-skōp) [″ + skopein, to examine] An instrument that detects radiation intensity.
(ĕ-lek′trō-shok″) Seizures produced by an electric current passed through the brain, used in psychiatry to treat resistant depression. SEE: electroconvulsive therapy.
Electroconvulsive therapy.
(ĕ-lek′trō-slēp″) Sleep produced by the passage of mild electrical impulses through parts of the brain.
(ē-lĕk″trō-stăt′ĭk) [″ + statikos, causing to stand] Pert. to static electricity.
ABBR: esu, ESU. Any electrical unit of measure based on the attraction or repulsion of a static charge, as distinguished from an electromagnetic unit, which is defined in terms of the attraction or repulsion of magnetic poles.
(ĕ-lek″trō-stim″yŭ-lā′shŏn) Electrical stimulation.
(ĭ-lek″trō-sŭr′jĕ-rē) An operative procedure performed with an instrument that converts electricity to heat, used for cutting, cautery, coagulation, or coaptation of tissues. electrosurgical (-sŭr′ji-kăl), adj.
Potential (but rare) complications of electrosurgery include unanticipated burns, interference with implanted electronic devices (such as pacemakers, defibrillators), operating room fires, and exposure to noxious fumes.