A wage charged by a legal professional for services rendered, payable only if the injured party wins damages as a result of the successful resolution of a suit. Contingency fees usually consist of a percentage of the damages recovered by the injured party.
(kŏn-tin′jĕnt) [L. contingens, dependent on circumstances] Dependent upon.
(kŏn-tin′jĕnt val″yŭ-ā′shŏn) A method of assigning a monetary value to a nonexchangeable condition, product, or service, e.g., health care or environmental quality. It is based on surveys of the stated preferences of people for specified conditions, asking them how much they might be willing to pay for those services.
continuing care community
A type of managed care that combines health insurance, housing, and social care, usually for older adults. The participant enters a contractual arrangement, in which he or she receives a residence and long-term care on an as-needed basis in exchange for an agreed-upon fee.
continuing professional development
Any activities that enhance competencies, knowledge, engagement, and/or skills in trained professionals.
(kont″ĭ-nū′ĭt-ē, kont′ĭ-noo′ĭt-ē) [L. continuus, continued] The condition of being unbroken, uninterrupted, or intimately united.
continuous aspiration of subglottic secretions
ABBR: CASS. Suctioning pooled oropharyngeal fluids from the subglottic region just above the cuff of an endotracheal tube. It is a technique used in mechanically ventilated patients to prevent ventilator-associated pneumonias.
continuous-flow analysis
An examination with a laboratory instrument that separates samples and appropriate reagents before specimens are analyzed by placing air bubbles between individual specimens and the reagents as they are injected into a tube. Specimens are then analyzed as they flow along the tube by various analytical principles (colorimetry, electrochemistry).
continuous glucose monitoring
ABBR: CGM. Frequent sampling of blood glucose values made by a subcutaneous sensor. Frequent sampling of blood glucose values made by a subcutaneous sensor. Interstitial fluid is assayed repeatedly. The results are displayed on a device that is typically worn on an article of clothing, e.g., a belt.
continuous lateral rotation therapy
ABBR: CLRT. The use of a moving bed that shifts patients from one side to the other; used in critical care to prevent nosocomial pneumonia in immobile patients.
continuous renal replacement therapy
ABBR: CRRT. Use of a filtration or dialysate bath device to remove fluid and small waste product molecules from the blood of patients with acute renal failure who are unable to tolerate hemodialysis.
Removal of water occurs as ...