Directing patients with certain conditions or certain forms of insurance to specific hospitals for care. SYN: patient channeling.
A disease that results from a mutation in an ion channel in a cell membrane, e.g., from a mutation that alters the uptake of an electrolyte such as sodium, potassium, or calcium by a cell.
(kā″ŏ-trōp′ik, -trop′) [Gr. chaos + -tropic] SEE: under agent.
(shap′ĕ-rōn″) 1. One who accompanies a health care provider during the examination of a potentially vulnerable patient to ensure the patient’s safety and comfort. 2. Molecular chaperone.
molecular c. A protein that shapes other protein molecules so they can work optimally as receptors or can be secreted or cleared from cells.
(chap′lăn) [Fr. chapelain, fr. L. capellanus, fr. capella, chapel] A trained spiritual counselor (such as an imam, minister, priest, or rabbi) who works in a nonreligious institution to provide guidance and support.
(chap′măn) Electrocardiographic evidence of myocardial infarction in patients with left bundle branch block or ventricular pacing, in which the upward stroke of the R wave in leads 1, aVL, or V6 is notched. The sign has good sensitivity but only fair specificity.
(chăpt) [ME. chappen] Inflamed, roughened, fissured, as from exposure to cold.
Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire.
(kar′ăk-tĕr) [L. character Gr. charaktēr, engraving tool] 1. A person’s pattern of thought and action, esp. regarding moral choices. Character differs from personality, although in psychiatry the terms are often used interchangeably. 2. The feature of an organism or individual that results from the expression of genetic information inherited from the parents.
A personality disorder manifested by a chronic, habitual, maladaptive pattern of reaction that is relatively inflexible, limits the optimal use of potentialities, and often provokes the responses from the environment that the individual wants to avoid.
(kar″ăk-tĕ-ris′tik) [Gr. charaktēristikos, pert. to a stamp] 1. A trait or character typical of an organism or of an individual. 2. In logarithmic expressions, the number to the left of the decimal point, as distinguished from the mantissa, the number to the right of the decimal point.
acquired c. A trait or quality that was not inherited but results from environmental influence.
anal c. Anal personality.
dominant c. SEE: dominant.
primary sex c. An inherited trait that influences the development of ...