The sixth edition of Joint Structure and Function is made possible only by the continued and combined efforts of many people and groups. We are, first and foremost, grateful for the time, effort, and expertise of our esteemed and growing group of contributors with whom it has been a pleasure to work. Our thanks, therefore, to Drs. Sam Ward, David Berry, Behar Shahidi, Susan Sigward, Gary Chleboun, Diane Dalton, Julie Starr, Pam Ritzline, Paula Ludewig, John Borstad, Amee Seitz, Jeff Hartman, RobRoy Martin, Ben Kivlan, Lynn Snyder-Mackler, David Logerstedt, Elizabeth Wellsandt, Lee Marinko, Michael Hunt, Janice Eng, and Sandra Olney, as well as to Ms. Noelle Austin. We would also like to acknowledge and thank our colleagues and students who continue to pass along their welcomed suggestions through the years.
We extend our continuing gratitude to F. A. Davis for their investment in the future of Joint Structure and Function and its ancillary materials. Particular thanks go to our developmental editor, Laura Horowitz, as well as to Melissa Duffield (Senior Acquisitions Editor), Jason Torres (Photographer), George Lang (Director of Content Development), Robert Butler (Production Manager), Carolyn O'Brien (Manager of Art and Design), and Katherine Margeson (Illustration Coordinator), who provided great support. As always we must thank the artists who, through the years, provided the images that are so valuable to the readers. These include artists of past editions, Joe Farnum, Timothy Malone, Anne Raines and Dartmouth Publishing, Inc. New to the sixth edition is Dragonfly Media Group, helping us take our figures to a new level.
Finally, we acknowledge and thank our colleagues and families, without whose support this work could not have been done and to whom we are eternally indebted.