The classification of individual traits according to a shared characteristic.
blood g. Classification of blood of different individuals according to agglutinating and hemolyzing qualities before making a blood transfusion. SEE: blood group; blood transfusion.
In medical insurance, a policy that covers all the employees of an organization. Employee dependents are also typically indemnified.The employer may pay a percentage of the premium as a benefit to the employee.
A form of psychotherapy in which six to eight patients meet a specific number of times with a therapist. The value of this type of therapy is the opportunity for gaining insight from others into one's life experience.
An oxidation-reduction chemical reaction involving the exchange of chemical groups. A transferase enzyme is required.
(grōth) Development, maturation, or expansion of physical structures or cognitive and psychosocial abilities. The process may be normal, as in the development of a fetus or a child, or pathological, as in a cyst or malignant tumor.
GROWTH OF INTERNAL ORGANS: General body growth is seen in the increase in bodily size and in the total weight of the muscles and of the internal organs. Growth is usually slow and steady but has a marked acceleration just after birth and at the time of puberty (the growth spurt).
Lymphoid organs (such as the thymus and the lymph nodes) grow fastest early in life, reach their peak of development at about the age of 12, and then stop growing or regress.
The brain, spinal cord, eye, and meninges grow in childhood but reach adult size by the age of 8. This size is maintained without regression.
The testes, ovaries, and other genitourinary structures grow slowly in infancy, but at puberty they develop rapidly and cause the striking changes in appearance that make up the secondary sex characteristics.
catch-up g. The accelerated growth of a malnourished, premature, or small neonate during the first two years of life. This growth enables the child to attain a normal size.
cognitive g. Growth shown by the progressive maturation of thought, reasoning, and intellect, esp. in school-aged children.
fetal g. The development of body cells, tissues, organs, and functions while the fetus is supported by the maternal placenta and uterus.
linear g. An increase in the length (height) of a child.
psychosocial g. Development of personality, judgment, and temperament. It evolves throughout life as experience in work, play, and emotional interactions with others broaden.
growth and development, delayed