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female sexual arousal disorder

A persistent or recurrent inability to attain, or to maintain until completion of the sexual activity, an adequate vaginal lubrication-swelling response of sexual excitement. In order to establish this diagnosis, the disturbance must cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty, and the difficulty cannot be attributed to a medical condition, substance abuse, or medications. SEE: male erectile disorder.


(fem′ĭ-nĭn) Pert. to or being of the female sex.


[L. femininus] 1. In biology, the development of female secondary sexual characteristics in a male. 2. In society, a movement to advance the standing of women in all areas of life.


(fem″ĭ-nĭ-zā′shŏn) 1. In a society, sexual or lifestyle practices or behaviors in which a man assumes a female role or attitude. SYN: effemination. 2. In biology, the normal development of female secondary sexual characteristics or the pathological development of these in a man.

testicular f. Androgen insensitivity syndrome. feminize (fem′ĭ-nīz″), v.


(fem′ŏ-rāl) [femur] Pert. to the femur.

femoral compression device

SEE: under device.


(fem″ŏ-rō-tib′ē-ăl) [femur + tibial] Pert. to the femur and tibia.


[Danish femten, fifteen] ABBR: f. In the International System of Units (SI), a prefix meaning one quadrillionth (10−15).


(fē′mŭr, fem′ŏ-rā) pl. femora [L. femur, stem femor-, thigh bone, thigh] The thigh bone. It extends from the hip to the knee and is the longest and strongest bone in the skeleton. SEE: illus.





femur length measurement

An assessment made during a fetal ultrasound that uses the femur length to estimate the gestational age and growth of the fetus, esp. for evidence of intrauterine growth retardation. SYN: fetal femoral length. SEE: femur length; intrauterine growth retardation.


(fĕ-nes′tră, fĕ-nes′trē″, fĕ-nes′trī″) pl. fenestrae [L. fenestra, window] 1. An aperture often closed by a membrane. 2. An open area, as in the blade of an obstetrical forceps. fenestral (fĕ-nes′trăl), adj.


(fen′ĕ-strāt″ĕd) Having fenestrae or openings.

fenestrated tracheostomy tube

A double-cannulated tracheostomy tube that allows patients to breathe through the mouth or nose when the inner cannula is removed. The tube has an opening in the posterior wall of the outer cannula above the inflatable cuff. It allows the patient to exhale through his natural airway ...

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