ABBR: DAP. In nuclear medicine and radiology, the dose of radiation delivered to a patient or area of tissue multiplied by the area of skin exposed. The DAP gives an estimate of the likelihood of skin damage from a specific dose of radiation. It is measured in gray square centimeters.
A progressive increase in the strength of any treatment (such as a drug or a radiation dose), to maximize its effect.
ABBR: DLP. The sum of the radiation to which a patient or area of tissue is exposed during the taking of a series of images.
(dō′shă) [Sanskrit, dosha, fault, disease, bodily humor] In ayurvedic medicine, one of three bodily humors or energies that link the body, its elemental liquids, and the mind. SEE: kapha.
(dō-sĭm′ĭ-tĕr) [″ + metron, measure] A device for measuring the output of any ionizing radiation.
(dō″sĭ-mĕt′rĭk) Pert. to dosimetry.
(dō-sim′ĕ-trist″) In radiation oncology, an allied health professional who designs a treatment plan based on the prescribed radiation dose and the field to which the treatment will be administered. The work involves mathematical precision, knowledge of physics, and technical expertise with radiation-generating equipment.
(dō-sĭm′ĕ-trē) [″ + metron, measure] Measurement of doses.
directly observed therapy.
(dōt′ij) [ME. doten, to be silly] A pejorative term for cognitive impairment.
(dŭb′l) [L. duplus, twofold] Duplicate, or combining two qualities.
double-blind, double-blinded
(dŭb′ĕl-blīnd′) Pert. to a method, study, or clinical trial in which neither the subjects nor the investigators know the identities of the subjects nor what treatment or medication, if any, the subjects receive. A double-blind study attempts to eliminate observer and subject bias. SEE: blind (2); single-blind.
double cortex syndrome
Subcortical band heterotopia.
In ethics, the doctrine or principle explaining under what conditions one may perform an act that has both good and bad consequences. In medicine, an example of the double effect is that the medications used in palliative care may have the side effect of hastening death even though the intent of the practitioner is to achieve relief of symptoms and not euthanasia.
Evaluation of the results of an examination, especially a mammogram, by two individuals. SEE: mammography.