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(dōm) [L domus, house] A semicircular or balloon-shaped weakness in the wall of an aneurysm.


(dŏ-mes′tik) [L. domesticus, pert. to a house] Occurring in or near the home or in one's native country.


(dŏm″ĭ-sĭl′ē-ār″ē) [L. domus, house] Pert. to or conducted in a house.

domiciliary care facility

A home providing mainly custodial and personal care for persons who do not require medical or nursing supervision, but may need assistance with activities of daily living because of a physical or mental disability. This may also be referred to as a sheltered living environment. SEE: adult foster care.


(dom′ĭ-năns) [L. dominans, ruling] 1. A genetic pattern of inheritance in which one of an allelic pair of genes has the capacity to suppress the expression of the other so that the first prevails in the heterozygote. 2. Often, the preferred hand or side of the body, as in right-hand dominance. 3. In psychiatry, the tendency to be commanding or controlling of others.

cerebral d. The control of speech and handedness by one hemisphere of the brain. In 90% to 95% of human beings, the left cerebral hemisphere is functionally dominant; as a result most people are right-handed. A lesion (such as a stroke or tumor) to the left cerebral hemisphere of such people will produce aphasia and right-sided paralysis. Aphasia rarely occurs in right-handed people from a right cerebral lesion. In 60% of left-handed people with aphasia from a cerebral lesion, the left side is affected. In some left-handed patients, it is possible that language function is controlled partially by both the left and right cerebral hemispheres. SEE: stroke.

ocular d. The use of one eye by choice for particular tasks such as aiming a gun. This may or may not be related to right-hand or left-hand dominance.

strong d. In health care management, any strategy that provides a more effective and less costly solution to a problem.

weak d. In health care management, a strategy that provides a more effective but also a more costly solution to a problem than an alternative.


(dom′ĭ-nănt) [L. dominari, to be master, rule] 1. In genetics, pert. to a trait or characteristic that is expressed in the offspring although it is carried on only one of the chromosomes. 2. Pert. to the preferred hand or side of the body, as in right-handed or left-handed. 3. In psychiatry, pert. to the tendency to exercise command over or control others. SEE: recessive.


(dom′ĭnāt″) [L. dominari, to master, control] 1. In behavioral health, to control, govern, or wield authority over others. ...

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