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(trans′fĕr-ās″) [transfer + -ase] An enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of atoms or groups of atoms from one chemical compound to another.


(trans-fĕr′ĕns) [L. transferre, to carry across] 1. In psychotherapy, the mental process whereby a person transfers patterns of feelings and behavior that had previously been experienced with important figures such as parents or siblings to another person. Quite often these feelings are shifted to the caregiver.

transfer factor

SEE: under factor.


(trans-fer′ĭn) [trans- + ferrum + -in] A globulin that binds and transports iron.


(trăns′fĕr-ĭng″) Moving a person with limited function from one location to another. This may be accomplished by the patient or with assistive devices.


(trăns-fĭks′) [″ + figere, to fix] To pierce through or impale with a sharp instrument.


(trăns-fĭk′shŭn) A maneuver in performing an amputation in which a knife is passed into the soft parts and cutting is from within outward.


(trăns″ for-ā′ shŭn) [″ + forare, to pierce] The perforation of the fetal skull at the base in craniotomy.


(trăns′for-ā″tor) An instrument for perforating the fetal skull.


(trans-for′mănt) A cell or organism that has been genetically modified.


(trăns″for-mā′shŭn) [″ + formatio, a forming] 1. Change of shape or form. 2. In oncology, the change of one tissue into another. SEE: metastasis. 3. In bacterial genetics, the acquisition of bacterial DNA fragments by other bacterial cells; antibiotic resistance is often acquired this way.


(trăns-form′er) [″ + formare, to form] A stationary induction apparatus to change electrical energy at one voltage and current to electrical energy at another voltage and current through the medium of magnetic energy, without mechanical motion.

step-down t. A transformer that changes electricity to a lower voltage.

step-up t. A transformer that changes electricity to a higher voltage.


(trăns-fūz′) To infuse blood or blood products.


(trans-fū′zhŏn) [L. transfusio, a pouring out] 1. The collection of blood or a blood component from a donor followed by its infusion into a recipient. In the U.S. more than 14 million blood products are transfused each year. SEE: intraosseous infusion. 2. The injection of saline or other solutions into a vein for a therapeutic purpose.

image Transfusions are associated with considerable hazards. These ...

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