(sĕp′tăl) Pert. to a septum.
Surgical removal of hypertrophied cardiac muscle from the ventricular septum of patients with obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy whose symptoms of heart failure are not well managed with medication alone.
(sĕp′tāt) [L. saeptum, a partition] Having a dividing wall.
(sĕp-tĕk′tō-mē) [″ + Gr. ektome, excision] Excision of a septum, esp. the nasal septum or a part of it.
[L. septem, seven] Prefix meaning seven.
(sĕp′tĭk) [Gr. septikos, putrefying] 1. Pert. to sepsis. 2. Pert. to pathogenic organisms or their toxins.
(sĕp-tĭ-sē′mē-ă) [″ + haima, blood] The presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the blood. septicemic (-ĭk), adj.
(sĕp-tō-nā′zăl) [L. saeptum, a partition, + nasus, nose] Pert. to the nasal septum.
septo-optic dysplasia
(sĕp″tō-plăs′tē) [″ + Gr. plassein, to form] Plastic surgery of the nasal septum.
(sep″tō-rī′nō-plas″tē, sep″tŏ-rī′nō-plas″tē′) [(nasal) septum + rhinoplasty] Surgical repair of the nasal septum along with cosmetic enhancements of the nose.
(sep-tos′tŏ-mē) [septum + -stomy] Surgical formation of an opening in a septum.
amniotic s. Surgical puncturing of the membrane between twins affected by the twin oligohydramnios-polyhydramnios sequence.
balloon atrial s. The surgical enlargement of an opening between the cardiac atria for palliative relief of congestive heart failure in newborns with certain heart defects. A deflated balloon is inserted into a vein, passed through the foramen ovale, and then inflated and pulled vigorously through the atrial septum to enlarge the opening and improve oxygenation of the blood. SYN: Rashkind procedure.
surgical atrial s. Septostomy performed with a specialized scalpel or knife to separate fused structures within the hearts of infants born with complex congenital cardiac defects.
(sep′tŭm, sep′tă) pl. septa [L. saeptum, a partition] A wall dividing two cavities. septal (sep′tăl), adj.
atrial s. The myocardial septum between the atria of the heart. SYN: interatrial septum; septum atriorum cordis.
atrioventricular s. The septum that separates the right and left atria of the heart from the respective ventricles.
deviated s. A nasal septum displaced to one side. It sometimes causes impaired air flow through a nostril.