(prō-fŭn′dă) [L.] Deep seated; applied to certain deeply located blood vessels.
(prō-fŭn′dŭs) [L.] Located deeper than the indicated reference point.
(prō-găs′trĭn) The inactive precursor of gastrin.
(prō-jĕn′ĭ-tor) [L.] An ancestor.
(prō-jē′rē-ă) [Gr. pro, before, + geras, old age] The syndrome of premature aging, which may be an inherited disorder that is transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait. The incidence appears higher in children of older fathers. Onset is from birth to 18 months of age and the average age at death is 12 to 13 years.
FINDINGS: The child has an aged and wizened appearance. In addition there is small stature, slightness of build, alopecia, thick and inelastic skin that has brownish spots on it, delayed dentition, high-pitched voice, prominent eyes, and infantile sex organs.
(prō-jĕs′tŭ-jĕn) [progesta(tional) + ″] A synthetic compound that mimics the physiological effects of progesterone.
(prō″jĕs-tā′shŭn-ăl) 1. Pert. to the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, immediately after ovulation, at which time progesterone is secreted, further preparing the endometrium for implantation of a fertilized ovum. 2. Pert. to the hormone progesterone and its actions. 3. Pert. to a drug with actions similar to progesterone.
(prō-jes′tĕ-rōn″) [progestin + -sterone] A steroid hormone, C21H30O2, obtained from the corpus luteum and placenta. It facilitates implantation by inhibiting uterine motility and stimulates the development of the mammary glands. Low levels of progesterone in pregnancy are associated with fetal growth restriction. Progesterone supplementation in pregnancy seems to improve this. Progesterone is used to treat patients with menstrual disorders (secondary amenorrhea, abnormal uterine bleeding, luteal phase deficiency) and to manage renal or endometrial carcinoma. In combination with estrogen, it is used for contraception and postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy. SYN: corpus luteum hormone; luteal hormone; progestational hormone; progestin (1).
(prō-jĕs′tĭn) 1. A corpus luteum hormone that prepares the endometrium for implantation of the fertilized ovum. SYN: progesterone; progestational agent. 2. Progestogen.
progestin-only contraceptive
ABBR: POC. A nonestrogen-containing medication, such as a mini-pill, or an injectable progestogen, used to prevent pregnancy SYN: progestin-only pill.
Progestin-only contraceptive.
(prō-jĕs′tō-jĕn) Any natural or synthetic hormonal substance that produces effects similar to those due to progesterone.
(prō-glŏt′ĭd) pl. proglottides [Gr. ...