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[Gr. physikos, fr. physis, nature] Prefix meaning physical, natural.


(fĭz″ĭ-kō-kĕm′ĭ-kăl) [″ + chemeia, chemistry] Pert. to the application of the laws of physics to chemical reactions.


(fĭz′ĭks) [Gr. physis, nature] The study of the laws of matter and their interactions with energy. Included are the fields of acoustics, optics, mechanics, electricity, thermodynamics, and ionizing radiation.

physio-, physi-

[Gr. physis, nature] Prefixes meaning nature, physical, or physiological.


(fĭz″ē-ō-kĕm′ĭ-kăl) [Gr. physis, nature, + chemeia, chemistry] Pert. to clinical chemistry.


(fĭz″ē-ŏg′nō-mē) [Gr. physis, nature, + gnomon, a judge] 1. The countenance. 2. Assumed ability to diagnose a disease or illness based on the appearance and expression(s) on the face.

physiological, physiologic

(fiz″ē-ŏ-loj′ĭkăl, fiz″ē-ŏ-loj′ik) [physiology + -ic] 1. Pert. to physiology. 2. Pert. to normal, healthy body function. physiologically (fiz″ē-ŏ-loj′i-k(ă)lē), adv.

physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling

ABBR: PBPK. A means of assessing the behavior of various chemical compounds in living organisms based upon their apparent absorption, distribution, and elimination from the body, and such in vitro characteristics as their plasma protein binding and cell membrane permeability. PBPK mathematical modeling is used in pharmacology to select promising new agents for therapeutic use, and in toxicology to estimate the potential harm that chemicals may cause when ingested by animals or released into the environment.


(fiz″ē-ol′ō-jist) [physiology + -ist] One who studies physiology (the functioning of the body).


(fiz″ē-ol′ŏ-jē) [physio + -logy] The science of the functions of the living organism and its components and of the chemical and physical processes involved.

aviation p. The branch of physiology that deals with conditions encountered by humans in flying, mountain climbing, or space flight. The conditions studied are hypoxia, extreme temperature and radiation, effects of acceleration and deceleration, weightlessness, motion sickness, enforced inactivity, mental stress, acclimatization, and disturbance of biological rhythm.

cell p. The functioning of cells.

comparative p. The study and comparison of the physiology of different species.

general p. The broad scientific basis of physiology.

pathologic p. The physiological explanation of pathologic events.


(fiz″ē-ō-path″ŏ-loj′ik) [physio- + pathologic] 1. Pert. to physiology and pathology. 2. Pert. to a pathologic alteration in a normal function.


(fĭz″ē-ō-thĕr′ă-pē) [″ + therapeia, treatment] Physical ...

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