(pă-tel′ăr) Pert. to the patella.
(păt″ĕ-lĕk′tō-mē) [″ + Gr. ektome, excision] Surgical removal of the patella.
(pă-tel′ĭ-form″) [patella + -form] Shaped like the patella.
(pă-tĕl″ō-fĕm′ō-răl) Pert. to the patella and femur.
patellofemoral pain syndrome
Pain in the knee that occurs with exertion, e.g., walking upstairs, and is associated with stiffness after prolonged sitting and tenderness when the patella is compressed on the femoral condyle or when it is moved laterally. SEE: patellofemoral instability.
(pā′tĕn-sē) [L. patens, open] The state of being freely open.
(pat′ĕnt (senses 1, 2), pāt′ (senses 2, 3)) [L. litterae patentes, open letters] ABBR: pat. 1. Protected by trademark or trade name; patented. SEE: proprietary (3).
2. Evident; accessible. 3. Having or offering free, unobstructed passage.
patent ductus arteriosus
SEE: patent ductus arteriosus.
(pă-tĕr′năl) [L. paternis, fatherly] Pert. to or inherited from the father.
(pă-tĕrn′ăl-ĭzm) In health care, a type of decision making in which only health care professionals have authority over patients. When patients are competent to make their own choices and health care professionals seek to act in the patients' best interests, shared decision making is preferable, because it encourages dialogue, preserves autonomy, fosters responsibility, and allows for adaptation. paternalistic (pă-tĕrn″ă-lis′tik), adj.
(pă-tĕr-nĭ-tē) A test to determine the father of a child. Because paternity is a clinical estimate, there is the need to have tests to determine whether it would be possible for an individual to have fathered a specific child. At one time, the tests used to prove or exclude the possibility of paternity used blood type data from the child and the suspected father. Tests involving the technique of molecular genetic fingerprinting and of determining genetic markers are available and have the ability to exclude almost all except the father. Use of these techniques makes it possible to distinguish differences between the genotype of all individuals except identical twins.
Paterson-Kelly syndrome
(pat′ĕr-sŏn-kel′ē) [Donald Ross Paterson, Brit. otolaryngologist, 1863–1939; Derek Brown-Kelly] Plummer-Vinson syndrome.
(path) A particular course that is or is to be followed or traversed. SEE: pathway.
circulation p. SEE: circulation path.
[Gr. -pathēs, fr. paschein, to feel] Suffix meaning one affected by a disease, e.g., ...