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(pă-rŏt″ĭ-dĕk′tō-mē) [″ + ous, ear, + ektome, excision] Excision of the parotid gland. This procedure is most often performed to excise a malignancy and less often to remove a stone (calculus) that cannot be extracted from Stenson's duct in the mouth.

PATIENT CARE: The patient's understanding of the procedure and postoperative care is assessed, including suctioning and the nasogastric tube for drainage. The patient is encouraged to express feelings and anxiety about the surgery and alterations in body image. After surgery, the patient is asked to perform facial movements such as smiling, frowning, and exposing teeth to observe for possible damage to the facial nerve. Pain is managed. Drainage should be observed for excessive bleeding. A patent airway is maintained, and good oral hygiene and nutrition are encouraged.

parotitis, parotiditis

(pă-rŏt″ĭ-dī′tĭs, pă″rō-tī′tĭs) [″ + ous, ear, + itis, inflammation] Inflammation of the parotid gland.

granulomatous p. Granulomatous inflammation of the parotid gland, usually due to tuberculosis or sarcoidosis.

suppurative p. Bacterial infection of the parotid gland, usually in patients with decreased salivary flow. It is often caused by Staphylococcus aureus.


(păr′ŭs) [L. pario, to bear] Parturient; fruitful; having borne at least one child.


(par-ō-var′ē-ăn) [para- + + ovarian] 1. Adjacent to the ovary 2. Pert. to the parovarium (epoophoron). SEE: epoophoron.


(păr-ŏx′ĕ-tēn) A selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor used as an antianxiety agent and antidepressant. It is administered orally to manage depression, panic, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social anxiety, and general anxiety. It may be used as an adjunct to psychotherapy.


(par′ŏk-sizm) [Gr. paroxysmos, irritation] 1. A sudden, periodic attack or recurrence of symptoms of a disease or an exacerbation of the symptoms of a disease. 2. A sudden spasm or convulsion of any kind. 3. A sudden emotional state, as of fear, grief, or joy. paroxysmal (par″ŏk-siz′măl), adj. paroxysmic (par″ŏk-siz′mik), adj.


(păr″ŏk-sĭz′măl) Occurring repeatedly and without warning.

p. nocturnal hemoglobinuria SEE: under hemoglobinuria.

PARQ conference

[park] [Acronym fr. p(rocedure), a(lternative), r(isk), and q(uestion)] A conference to establish informed consent for medical treatment or surgery in which the proposed procedure, alternatives to the procedure, and its risks are discussed, and the patient has the opportunity to ask questions and have them answered.

Parrot, Joseph Marie Jules

(păr-ō) French physician, 1829–1883.

P. disease 1. Osteochondritis that occurs ...

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