(nē″ō-văs′kū-lăr) Pert. to new blood vessels.
(nē″ō-văs″kū-lă-rĭzā′shŭn) The formation of new blood vessels, e.g., in the retina, in inflamed tissue or in a malignant tumor.
(nē′pĕr, nā′) [John Napier, Scot. mathematician, 1550–1617] ABBR: Np. A unit ofmeasure denoting the ratio of two amplitudes. It is similar to the decibel but is expressed as a natural logarithm instead of a logarithm of the base 10.1 Np = 8.687 dB.
(nef″ĕ-lom′ĕt-ĕr) [Gr. nephelē, cloud + -meter] A device used to measure the turbidity of a fluid and estimate the number of particles in solution. For example, it is used to measure the turbidity of a fluid and also may be used to estimate the degree of contamination of air by particulate matter. SEE: turbidimeter.
(nef″ĕ-lom′ĕ-trē) [Gr. nephelē, cloud + -metry] A technique for detecting proteins in body fluids, based on the tendency of proteins to scatter light in identifiable ways. SEE: turbidimetry.
(nĕ-frek′tŏ-mē) [nephro + -ectomy] Surgical removal of a kidney. It may be to remove a renal cell carcinoma or an injured organ, or to harvest an organ for transplantation. The surgery may be performed with an open incision or by laparoscopy. Complications include spontaneous pneumothorax, infection, azotemia, or secondary hemorrhage.
PATIENT CARE: The patient is prepared for surgery according to protocol. Aspirin or other medications that may cause postoperative hemorrhage are withheld. The patient and family are assured that, in most instances, the body will adapt to functioning with only one kidney. Postoperatively, vital signs are checked frequently; analgesics are administered (often by intravenous or epidural patient-controlled analgesia); and excessive bleeding is reported. Dressings are changed according to the surgeon's directions or agency protocol. Fluid intake and output, body weight, and electrolytes are carefully monitored. Hemodynamics are monitored closely; the patient is assessed for evidence of postoperative complications such as stroke, myocardial infarction, pneumonia, or atelectasis. The patient is encouraged to breathe deeply (using incentive spirometry) and to cough to prevent atelectasis and other pulmonary complications. Oral hygiene is provided, and early fluid and food intake encouraged. Antithrombotic or sequential compression hose are applied, and the patient is assisted to turn and move in bed. Positioning on the surgical side helps other organs fill operative dead space. Early ambulation is encouraged, usually within 24 hr. Discharge instruction focuses on the components of a renal diet (if necessary), taking care of the incision, recommended activities and restrictions, medications, and the need for follow-up.
abdominal n. Nephrectomy through an incision in the abdominal wall.
paraperitoneal n. Nephrectomy through an extraperitoneal incision.
partial n. A nephrectomy in ...