(lang′hans″) [Theodor Langhans, Ger. pathologist, 1839–1915] A cellular layer present in the chorionic villi of the placenta. SYN: cytotrophoblast.
The spoken or written words or symbols used by a population for communication.
The use of translators, interpreters, remote interpreting systems, and other means to ensure that those who have difficulty communicating have opportunities to explain their signs and symptoms to health care professionals. Language assistance is one element of culturally sensitive and competent care.
The tendency for editors and readers to pay greater attention to scientific studies reported in English than to those studies written in other languages.
(lang′gŏr) [L. languor, feebleness, weariness] A feeling of weariness or exhaustion as from illness; lack of vigor or animation; lassitude.
(lan′ŏ-lĭn) [L. lana, wool] The purified, fatlike substance obtained from the wool of sheep; used as an ointment base.
(lan-soh′pra-zohl) A proton pump inhibitor that decreases gastric acid production and is used to treat peptic ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux, Helicobacter pylori infections, and related diseases.
(lan′thă-nŭm) [Gr. lanthanein, to escape notice + -(i)um (1)] SYMB: La. A metallic element, one of the lanthanides, atomic mass (weight) 138.906; atomic number 57. Lanthanum-139 is stable.
(lan′tī-bī-ŏt-ĭk) Any peptide antibiotic whose chemical structure includes a bridge maintained by the rare amino acid lanthionine. Subtilin and nisin are examples of lantibiotics.
(lă-nū′gō) [L. lanugo, down] 1. Downy hair covering the body. 2. Fine downy hairs that cover the body of the fetus, esp. when premature. The presence and amount of lanugo aids in estimating the gestational age of preterm infants. The fetus first exhibits lanugo between weeks 13 and 16. By gestational week 20, it covers the face and body. The amount of lanugo is greatest between weeks 28 and 30. As the third trimester progresses, lanugo disappears from the face, trunk, and extremities.
(lants) [Otto Lanz, Swiss surgeon in the Netherlands, 1865–1935] The point situated on the line between the two anterosuperior iliac spines one third of the distance from the right spine that indicates the origin of the vermiform appendix.
left anterior oblique position.
[Gr. lapara, flank] Prefixes meaning flank or ...