Improving Functional Outcomes in Physical Rehabilitation is a product of our combined years of experience in both clinical practice and teaching physical therapy students. From the outset, it has been a collaborative venture, bringing together a talented group of contributing authors from both academic and clinical practice settings. Without question, the text has benefited enormously from their participation. Their willingness to share their expertise as well as their interest in the professional development of physical therapy students was continually evident throughout project development. We are honored by their participation in the project. The breadth and scope of their professional knowledge and expertise are well reflected in their contributions. We extend heartfelt gratitude to the outstanding authors who contributed to the chapters and the expert clinicians and educators who contributed case studies.
We convey our gratitude to the following individuals who contributed their exceptional skills to create the numerous figures used throughout the text: Sara Beck-Pancer, Christopher F. Lenney, Mark Lozier, Lauray MacElhern, Kerry A. McCullough, Bruce Pritchett, Samuel Ramos, Mitchell Shuldman, and Jason Torres.
We are indebted to the generous models who cordially posed for photographs. For their gracious time and commitment, belief in the importance of the project, and unfailing patience, we recognize Fuad Al-Dabbaj, Rebecca Askew, Amber Bashaw, Eric Bell, Doris J. Bezkor, Jessica Y. Bowen, Zane Brandt, Stacie Caldwell, Natasha Chevalier-Richards, Paul Colbert, Winston Edmond, Cynthia Gilbertson, Leonore Gordon, Marianne Hanover, Aaron Hastings, Sally Healy, Ira Keefer, Emma Larson, Joseph Lerner, Joel Lindstrom, Laura MacElhern, Robert Margeson, Sr., Celso Marquez, John McGovern, Cassandra L. Meeker, Philomena (Mini) G. Mungiole, Whitney Odle, Allyson Ou, Lauren-Ashleigh S. Piatt, Natalie Pieczynski, Carole A. Remsay, Lee Anne Robotta, Khushbu Shah, J. Anthony Tomaszewski, Emmanuel R. Torrijos, Holly Vicario, Jacklyn Ward, Catherine Wright, and Mitchell Young. We also thank those who assisted in locating photography subjects and equipment: Cristiana K. Collins, Robin Dole, and Tom Weis.
Heartfelt gratitude is extended to Erin Menefee for her enduring enthusiasm and commitment to excellence in reviewing the text, overseeing the updated multimedia case studies, and creating the Guide to Key Interventions. Our thanks also go to those who contributed to the production and editing of the case study videos that accompany the text: Mitchell Shuldman and Rob Kates.
We extend our appreciation to the dedicated professionals at F. A. Davis Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Margaret M. Biblis, Editor-in-Chief, Health Professions; Jennifer Pine, Senior Sponsoring Editor; George W. Lang, Director of Content Development; Carolyn O’Brien, Design and Illustrations Manager; Megan Suermann, Content Project Manager; Paul Marino, Developmental Editor, Digital Products; Sharon Lee, Production Manager; Daniel Domzalski, Illustration Coordinator; and Michael Kern, Editorial Departmental Associate. Their continued support, encouragement, and unwavering commitment to excellence have contributed significantly to the development of this text as well as to the expansion of the physical therapy literature. We also wish to acknowledge Sarah Oehlerking, Project Manager at GW, Inc. Our appreciation is considerable.
Last, although hardly least, we wish to thank our students and patients who continually challenge us to improve our teaching and clinical skills. It is our sincere hope that this text proves to be a valuable resource in the development of clinical decision-making and practice skills of aspiring professionals.
Edward W. Bezkor
Susan B. O’Sullivan
Thomas J. Schmitz