This section encompasses a compilation of reference words most often used in the health care system. They will be greatly useful in many instances when or where the health care worker needs a particular word or phrase to fully translate a complicated concept.
This section will also be an extra aid in various scenarios where prior chapters might not contain the necessary words for which the health care worker is looking.
Despite every attempt to format questions in a yes/no format, certain questions will arise that necessitate qualitative, quantitative or time-dependent answers. This chapter includes a wealth of useful words and phrases that will assist the provider in navigating questions involving numbers, days, colors, anatomy, etc.
While it is possible to flip to this chapter when necessary, it is probably not the most time-efficient method for the busy health care provider. Memorizing some common numbers, days, time-related words, and simple interrogatives in the beginning will greatly assist the provider with many of the clinical questions in later chapters.
Introductory Phrases: Frases Preliminares
Simple Interrogatives