Access satisfaction—Perceptions of the convenience with which services are scheduled, the hours of service, the distance to service, and perceived availability (Rees Lewis, 1994).
Atmospherics—Perceptions of the environment in which services are delivered.
Benchmarking—Process of comparing one’s own procedures and outcomes with a known or best available gold standard in order to improve consumer or client service outcomes.
Care paths—Documentation mechanisms that indicate if the clinical pathway has been followed.
Clinical pathways—Sometimes called critical pathways, outline of agreed-upon steps for the diagnosis and interdisciplinary management of a condition or procedure for individual patients.
Clinical significance—Changes in a measured variable that result in useful changes.
Cohort data—Measurements taken from a group of patients with similar characteristics.
Comparative statistics—Determine whether two or more groups of data are different and suggest cause-and-effect relationships between an intervention and an outcome.
Continuous quality improvement (CQI)—Ongoing process of measuring the quality of services provided and making the services more effective (Coleman & Endsley, 1999; McIntosh, May, & Stymiest, 1994).
Correlative statistics—Describe relationship of changes in one variable to changes in another variable.
Cost-benefit—Positive benefits of providing services relative to the cost or negative aspects of providing the service (Thompson & Cohen, 1990).
Cost-effectiveness—Comparison of the cost to produce the same outcome by similar providers or service delivery systems.
Cost-utility—Estimates of patient preferences for different health states relative to the length and quality of life and available interventions (Haas, 1993; Luce & Simpson, 1995).
Criterion reference—Observations or measurements that reflect the patient’s performance of an activity as compared with a task analysis of that activity.
Data harvesting—Process of identifying the measures of interest in records to create a data set.
Data mining—Process of exploring large data sets.
Data recording form—Form to record data on the variables of interest; useful for reducing data omissions and translation errors.
Data set—Collection of organized observations and measurements.
Descriptive statistics—Distribution of data points for a variable or category.
Dissemination—Process of presenting ideas or study results publicly.
Documentation—Process or products of recording the status, clinical decision-making, and the provision of health services.
Episode of intervention—Services provided without interruption for a patient condition or problem, generally marked by an initial evaluation at the start and a discharge summary at the end.
Evaluate-and-treat approach—Approach to patient care that is oriented toward the identification of impairments and/or deviations from normal function and the linking of these deviations to interventions that ...