(vī″rŭs-ēm′ē-ă) [″ + Gr. haima, blood] Viremia.
virus shedding, viral shedding
The release of a virus from the host.
(vīr″ŭ-stăt′ĭk) [″ + Gr. statikos, bringing to a standstill] Stopping the growth of viruses.
(vĭs) pl. vires [L., strength] Force, strength, energy, power.
(vē′să) Vancomycin-Intermediate/Resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
(vĭs′ĕr-ă) sing., viscus [L.] Internal organs enclosed within a cavity, esp. the abdominal organs.
(vĭs′ĕr-ăl) [L. viscera, body organs] Pert. to viscera.
The appearance of an internal organ in the wrong location within the body, e.g., on the wrong side of the body.
viscero-, viscer-, visceri-
[L. viscera, body organs] Prefixes meaning viscera.
(vis″ĕ-rō-meg′ă-lē) [viscero- + -megaly] Generalized enlargement of the abdominal visceral organs. SYN: splanchnomegaly.
(vĭs″ĕr-ŏp-tō′sĭs) [viscero- + Gr. ptōsis, a falling, drop] Downward displacement of a viscus or the viscera. SYN: splanchnoptosis; enteroptosis.
(vĭs″ĕr-ō-sĕn′sō-rē) [″ + sensorius, sensory] Pert. to sensations aroused by stimulation of visceroreceptors.
(vis″ĕ-rō-sō-mat′ik) [viscero- + somatic] Pert. to the viscera and the rest of the body. SYN: splanchnosomatic.
(vĭs″ĕr-ō-trŏp′ĭk) [″ + Gr. tropos, a turn] Primarily affecting the viscera.
viscerovisceral reaction
(vĭs″ĕr-ō-vĭs′ĕr-ăl) A reaction taking place in the viscera as a result of stimulation of visceral receptors. Such reactions are usually below the level of consciousness.
(vis′ĭd) [L. viscidus, clammy, sticky] Adhering, glutinous, sticky.
(vĭs″kō-ē″lăs-tĭs′ĭ-tē) The property of being viscous and elastic.
(vis″kŏ-sim′ĕt-ĕr) [L. viscosus, viscous + -meter] A device for measuring the viscosity of a fluid, esp. of blood.
(vĭs″kō-sĭm′ĕ-trē) Measurement of the viscosity of a substance.
(vis″kos′ĭt-ē) [L. viscosus] 1. The state of being sticky or gummy. 2. The resistance of a fluid to movement when forces are applied to it.
specific v. The internal friction of a fluid, measured by comparing the rate of flow of the liquid through a tube with that of some standard liquid, or by measuring its resistance to gravity or ...