(vĕ-roo′sĭ-form) [L. verruca, wart, + forma, shape] Wartlike.
(vĕr′roo-kōs, vĕr-roo′kŭs) [L. verrucosus, wartlike] Wartlike, with raised portions.
(vĕr″oo-kō′sĭs) [L. verruca, wart, + Gr. osis, condition] The condition of having multiple warts.
(vĕ-roo′gă pĕr-wăn′ă) [Sp., Peruvian wart] A clinical form of bartonellosis. It is marked by a chronic, benign cutaneous eruption consisting of raised, reddish-purple nodules on the skin and mucous membranes. SEE: bartonellosis.
(vĕr′sĭ-kŏl″or) [L., of changing colors] 1. Having many shades or colors. 2. Changeable in color. SEE: tinea versicolor.
(vĕr′zhŏn) [L. versio, a turning] 1. Altering of the position of the fetus in the uterus. It may occur naturally or may be done mechanically by the physician to facilitate delivery. SEE: conversion. 2. Deflection of an organ such as the uterus from its normal position.
cephalic v. Turning of the fetus so that the head presents. This may be done by internal and/or external manipulation. SYN: bimanual v.; bipolar v.; external cephalic v.; fetal v.
combined v. Mechanical version by combined internal and external manipulation.
external v. Improving the presentation of an unengaged fetus by placing one’s hands on the mother’s abdomen and pushing, turning, or rotating the fetus.
external cephalic v. cephalic v.
pelvic v. Turning a fetus from a transverse lie to a vertex (head down) presentation.
podalic v. Using two hands (one inside the uterus and one on the abdominal wall) to change a twin fetus from a breech to a vertex presentation. SYN: internal v.
spontaneous v. Unassisted conversion of fetal presentation by uterine muscular contractions.
(vĕrt′ĕ-bră) pl. vertebrae [L. vertebra, a joint, spinal joint] Any of the 33 bony segments of the spinal column: 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, and 4 coccygeal vertebrae. In adults, the five sacral vertebrae fuse to form a single bone, the sacrum, and the four rudimentary coccygeal vertebrae fuse to form the coccyx.
A typical vertebra consists of a ventral body and a dorsal or neural arch. In the thoracic region, the body bears on each side two costal pits for reception of the head of the rib. The arch that encloses the vertebral foramen is formed of two roots or pedicles and two laminae. The arch bears seven processes: a dorsal spinous process, two lateral transverse processes, and four articular processes (two superior ...