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vagino-, vagin-

[L. vagina, sheath] Prefixes meaning vagina.


(vaj″ĭ-nō-ab-dom′ĭn-ăl) [vagino- + abdominal] Pert. to the vagina and abdomen.


(văj′ĭ-nō-sēl″) [vagino- + -cele] Vaginal hernia. SYN: colpocele.


(vaj″ĭ-nō-din′ē-ă) [vagino- + -odynia] Pain in the vagina.


(vaj″ĭ-nō-jen′ik) [vagino- + -genic] Developed from or originating in the vagina.


(văj′ĭn-ō-grăm) [″ + gramma, something written] A radiograph of the vagina.


(vaj″ĭ-nog′ră-fē) [vagino- + -graphy] Radiography of the vagina. This technique is useful in diagnosing ureterovaginal fistula.


(vaj″ĭ-nō-lā′bē-ăl) [vagino- + labial] Pert. to the vagina and labia.


(vaj″ĭ-nō-mī-kō′sĭs) [vagino-+ mycosis] A mycosis (fungal infection) of the vagina.


(vaj″ĭ-nop′ă-thē) [vagino- + Gr. -pathy] Any disease of the vagina.


(vaj″ĭ-nō-per″ĭ-nē′ăl) [vagino- + Gr. perineal] Pert. to the vagina and perineum.


(vaj″ĭ-nō-per″ĭ-nē′ō-plas″tē) [vagino- + perineo- + -plasty] Plastic surgery involving the vagina and perineum.


(vaj′ĭ-nŏ-plas″tē) [vagino- + -plasty] Plastic surgery on the vagina.


(vaj″ĭ-nos′kŏ-pē) [vagino- + -scopy] Visual examination of the vagina.


(vaj″ĭ-nō′sĭs) [vagino- + -sis] An abnormality in or disease of the vagina.

bacterial v. ABBR: BV. Infection of the vagina by Atopobium vaginae, Gardnerella vaginalis, and Prevotella species

 INCIDENCE: BV, formerly called Gardnerella vaginitis, is the most common form of vaginitis in the U.S.

 CAUSES: Causes include new or multiple sexual partners, douching, and, possibly, cigarette smoking. It is unknown why the bacterial shift occurs; and, although sexual activity may play a role, women who have never had sexual intercourse can also be affected.

 SYMPTOMS: BV is characterized by vaginal discharge with the absence of lactobacilli and an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria, but it may be asymptomatic in as many as 50% of cases.

 DIAGNOSIS: Diagnosis is confirmed by characteristic fishy odor produced when the vaginal discharge is mixed with 10% potassium hydroxide. A wet smear reveals vaginal epithelial cells that are heavily stippled with bacteria (clue cells). The pH of the discharge is always greater than 5.5. More precisely, molecular diagnosis may include quantitation of A. vaginae and ...

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