A bootlike dressing of the lower extremity made of layers of gauze and Unna paste. It is used in treating chronic ulcers of the leg. SEE: illus.
Boot uncovered on right leg; covered with cohesive bandage on left leg
(un′ă) [Paul G. Unna, Ger. dermatologist, 1850–1929] A mixture of 15% zinc oxide in a glycogelatin base.
1. Unconventional. Not in conformity with generally accepted standards of care. 2. Bizarre. Unscientific. Irrational.
United Network for Organ Sharing.
A separate, dedicated area in a pharmacy or nursing station where potentially hazardous medications are opened or handled before their administration to patients.
Personnel should wear personal protective equipment while handling medications such as cancer chemotherapies. These medications should be kept away from kitchen and dining areas. Pregnant women, children, and those with immune-suppressing illnesses should be excluded from unpacking areas.
unprotected left main disease
ABBR: ULMD. A greater than 50% stenosis of the patient’s native left main coronary artery. ULMD carries a 50% risk of death within three years of diagnosis.
In radiology, uninterpretable.
(ŭn″rĕ-lāt′ĕd) In organ transplantation, pert. to a donor who has no familial connection to the recipient but shares many human leukocyte antigen (HLA) markers.
(ŭn″rĕ-sek′tă-bl) [1un- + resectable] Unable to be removed surgically; said of certain large or complex tumors that have surrounded or invaded vital organs to such an extent that they cannot be removed completely.
(ŭn-săt′ū-rāt″ĕd) [AS. un, not, + L. saturare, to fill] 1. Capable of dissolving or absorbing to a greater degree. 2. Not combined to the greatest possible extent.
unscheduled DNA synthesis
ABBR: UDS. The ability of a cell to repair and replace large sections of damaged genetic code, e.g., after exposure to a carcinogen.
unsealed source radiation
Radioactive nuclides that are given to patients orally or by intravenous injection, e.g., iodine-131, given as a treatment for thyroid gland ablation.
(ŭn-sĕks′) [″ + L. sexus, sex] 1. To castrate; to spay or excise the ovaries or testes. 2. To deprive of sexual character.
(ŭn″spon′sŏrd) Having no (health) insurance; uninsured.
(ŭn-strī′āt-ĕd) [″ + striatus, striped] Unstriped, as ...