(ŭl′sĕ-rāt″) [L. ulcerare, to form ulcers] To produce or become affected with an ulcer. ulcerated (ŭl′sĕ-rāt″ĕd), adj.
(ŭl″sĕ-rā′shŏn) A suppurative or nonhealing lesion on a surface such as skin, cornea, or mucous membrane.
(ŭl′sĕ-rāt″iv, ŭl′sĕ-răt-iv) Pert. to or causing ulceration.
(ŭl″sĕ-rō-gang′grĕ-nŭs) Pert. to an ulcer that contains gangrenous tissue.
(ŭl″sĕ-rō-mem′bră-nŭs) Pert. to ulceration and formation of a fibrous pseudomembrane.
(ŭl′sĕ-rŭs) Pert. to or affected with an ulcer.
(ŭl′kŭs, ŭl′sĕr-ă) pl. ulcera [L. ulcus, stem ulcer-, sore, ulcer] Ulcer.
(ū-līt′ĭs) [Gr. oulon, gum (of the mouth), gingiva + -itis] Gingivitis.
unprotected left main disease.
(ŭl′mŭs) [L. ulmus, elm, elm tree] A genus of approx. 30 species of deciduous trees widespread over the northern hemisphere.
U. rubra SEE: slippery elm.
(ŭl′nă, ŭl′nē) pl. ulnae [L. ulna, elbow] The larger, more medial bone of the forearm. It articulates with the head of the radius and humerus proximally, and with the radius and carpals distally.
(ŭl′năd) [ulnad + -ad] In the direction of the ulna.
(ŭl′năr) [ulnaris] Pert. to the ulna, or to the nerve or artery named from it.
(ŭl-nā′rĭs) [L. ulnaris. pert. to the elbow] 1. Ulnar. 2. Pert. to the ulna.
(ŭl′tĭ-măt) [L. ultimus, ultimatus, farthest, last, final] Final; last.
(ŭl″tĭ-mō-brang′kē-ăl) [L. ultimus, farthest, last, final + branchial] SEE: under body.
[L. ultra, on the far side (of), beyond] Prefix meaning beyond, extremely, excessively.
(ŭl″tră-brak″i-sĕ-fal′ik) [ultra- + brachycephalic] Having a cephalic index of 90 or more.
(ŭl″tră-sen″trĭ-fyŭ-gā′shŏn) [ultra- + centrifugation] Treatment or preparation of substances by use of the ultracentrifuge.
analytical u. Ultracentrifugation to determine molecular mass, structure, and size.
preparative u. Ultracentrifugation to purify mixed solutions of proteins. It separates them based on their densities or their sedimentation coeffieients.