(trĕt′ĭ-noyn) All-trans-retinoic acid. It is a keratolytic agent used topically in treating acne.
thyrotropin-releasing hormone.
[L., Gr. tri-, three] Prefix meaning three.
(trī-ăs′ĕ-tāt) Any acetate that contains three acetic acid groups.
(trī″ă-sĭd′ĭk) Containing three acidic hydrogen ions.
(trī-ăs″ĭl-glĭs′ă-rŏl″) Triglyceride.
(trī′ad″) [An acronym for t(riangulation), r(everse use dependency, electrical) i(nstability of the action potential), a(nd) d(ispersion)] A combination of findings in repolarization of cardiac myocytes. Augmentation of TRIaD is associated with the generation of cardiac arrhythmias.
(trī′ad″) [L. trias, fr. Gr. trias, stem triad-, group of three] 1. A group of three things having something in common, e.g., a syndrome. 2. A trivalent element or radical. SEE: trivalent.
adoption t. The biological parents of a child, the adoptive parents, and the child who is adopted.
Bergman t. SEE: Bergman triad.
Charcot t. SEE: under Charcot, Jean M.
Dieulafoy t. SEE: under Dieulafoy, Georges.
female athlete t. A triad consisting of abnormal eating habits (eating disorders or disordered eating), amenorrhea, and osteoporosis among young female athletes. It is most common in sports in which low body weight has a beneficial effect on performance or appearance, e.g., gymnastics, running, swimming, and figure skating. Males participating in the same sports or in wrestling may also suffer the health-related effects of excessive training or abnormally restrictive eating. Disordered eating is often the first condition in the triad to appear.
SYMPTOMS: Signs of the disorder include excessive training, food restriction, ritualized eating habits, and other obsessive behavior, binging and purging, fatigue, anemia, depression, and electrolyte imbalances. Fractures occur because of bone loss, which may not be reversible.
PATIENT CARE: Screening female high school or younger at-risk athletes for disordered eating and menstrual irregularities is recommended as a first step in preventing development of the disorder. During physical exams required for participation in sports, athletes should be asked about food intake within the past 24 hr, perceived ideal weight, forbidden foods, and use of diet aids. Some women and coaches believe that amenorrhea is a normal consequence of athletic training rather than a sign of injury to the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. A dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scan or similar study should be considered in athletes with amenorrhea lasting at least 6 months. The patient, dietitian, and primary care provider should agree on a goal weight, after considering ...