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transplant tourism

Traveling outside one’s country of residence to obtain an organ transplantation. Transplant tourism is typically cheaper, but transplant tourists may receive substandard surgical and medical care, including poor organ matching, unhealthy donors, and posttransplant infection. Some facilities in the U.S. refuse to treat tourists who return to the U.S. needing postoperative care or even a new organ if their tourist organ should fail. SEE: Declaration of Istanbul; travel for transplantation.

transplant trafficking

Organ trafficking.


(trăns-ploor′răl) Through the pleura.


(trans′port″) [L. transportare, to carry across] Movement or transfer of substances. Transport may occur actively, passively, or with the assistance of a carrier.

active t. The process by which a cell membrane moves molecules against a concentration or electrochemical gradient. This requires metabolic work, i.e., the expenditure of adenosine triphosphate. Potassium, for example, is maintained at high concentrations within cells and low concentrations in extracellular fluid by active transport. Other ions actively transported are sodium, calcium, hydrogen, iron, chloride, iodide, and urate. Several sugars and the amino acids are also actively transported in the small intestine.

axonal t. The active (energy-dependent) process by which proteins and organelles are moved inside an axon. SYN: axoplasmic t.

carrier-mediated active t. The movement of substances across cell membranes at the expense of adenosine triphosphate.

protein t. The movement of proteins across cell membranes and into cellular organelles where they participate in specific functions or build the structures of the cell.

transportation of the injured

Moving an injured person to a hospital or other treatment center. In serious injuries such as cranial and spinal trauma, airway compromise, and hemorrhage, the patient should be moved by properly trained support personnel with equipment to stabilize vital structures and prevent further injury. In particular, the airway should be secured, ventilation provided, circulation supported, and the spine protected from injury with specially designed appliances. It is crucial that critically injured persons receive care within the first hour of their injury to optimize their chances of survival. Patients with lesser injuries whose vital signs are relatively stable may be transported by ambulance litter, private vehicle, or wheelchair, or by means listed here.

Carrying in arms: The patient is picked up in both arms, as the carrying of a child.

One-arm assist: The patient’s arm is placed about the neck of the bearer, and the bearer’s arm is placed about the patient’s waist, thus assisting the patient to walk.

Chair carry, chair stretcher: Any ordinary firm chair may be used. The patient is seated on the tilted-back chair. One bearer grasps the back of the chair and the other ...

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