transfusion syndrome, multiple
Bleeding that results from the transfusion of multiple units of blood. SEE: posttransfusion syndrome.
A colloquial term for the point at which the risks associated with low hematocrit or hemoglobin or a low platelet count outweigh the risks of adverse reactions associated with a blood transfusion.
PATIENT CARE: The concept of a red blood cell transfusion trigger is controversial. Some medical authorities recommend transfusions only for patients who are actively compromised by bleeding rather than to adjust for specific levels of hemoglobin or hematocrit. Platelets are typically transfused when the patient’s platelet count falls to approx. 10,000. Risks of transfusion include immune reactions (anaphylaxis) and the rare transmission of infectious diseases.
(trans″gas′trik) [trans- + gastric] 1. Through the stomach. 2. Through the muscular wall of the stomach.
(trans-jen′dĕrd, tranz-jen′dĕrd) Having a gender identity or gender perception different from one’s phenotypic gender. SEE: transperson; transsexual.
(trans′jēn″, tranz′) [trans- + gene] A genetic sequence taken from one organism and inserted into the DNA or RNA of another.
(tranz″jĕn-ĕ-rā′shŏn-ăl) [trans- + generational] Having an effect on several generations of a family. transgenerationally (′shŏn-ă-lē), adv.
(trans″jen′ik, tranz″) [trans- + -genic] Pert. to an organism into which hereditary material from another organism has been introduced.
(trans″gloot′ă-mĭ-nās″) [trans- + glutaminase] Any of a family of enzymes that cross-link proteins or peptides to one another. It is colloquially called meat glue.
(tran′zē-ĕnt) [L. transire, to go by, go across] Not lasting; of brief duration.
transient abnormal myelopoiesis, transient myeloproliferative disorder
(tran′zē-ĕnt ab″nor′măl mī″ĕ-lō-poy-ē′sĭs) A pre-leukemic syndrome identified in newborn children with Down syndrome. Although it is usually self-limiting, some affected children also suffer progressive, fatal liver failure.
transient hypoglobulinemia
(hī″pō-glob″yŭ-lĭn-ēm′ē-ă) Low levels of the immunoglobulin G (IgG) class antibody occurring when an infant is between 5 and 6 months of age. The maternal IgG that has crossed the placenta begins to drop after birth and reaches its lowest level (about 350 mg/dL) at this point. If IgG production is decreased, transient hypogammaglobulinemia develops. Normal blood levels of B cells, IgA, and IgM usually are present, which differentiates this transient disorder from hereditary, X-linked hypogammaglobulinemia. Some infants develop recurrent infections and must be treated with intravenous gamma globulin (IVIG) until IgG production increases.
transient left ventricular apical ballooning
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy...