total joint replacement
Surgical removal of a diseased or injured joint and its replacement with an orthosis. SEE: replacement of knee; total hip replacement.
total nutrient admixture
A comprehensive combination of nutrients given parenterally, including amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, fluids, electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals.
total ossicular replacement
Reconstruction of damaged or diseased ossicles in the middle ear with a biologically compatible implant.
total oxygen content of blood
The sum of the oxygen bound to hemoglobin plus the oxygen dissolved in the blood.
(tō-tĭp′ō-tĕnt) [L. totus, all, + potentia, power] In embryology, the ability of a cell or group of cells to produce all of the tissues required for development, i.e., the embryonic membranes, the embryo, and finally the fetus.
(tŭch) [Fr. tochier, to knock, strike, touch] 1. To perceive by the tactile sense; to feel with the hands, to palpate. 2. The sense by which pressure on the skin or mucosa is perceived; the tactile sense. SYN: tactile perception. 3. Examination with the hand. SYN: palpation.
Various disorders may disturb or impair the tactile sense or the ability to feel normally. There are a number of words and suffixes pert. to sensation and its modifications. A few of the more important ones are as follows: algesia, -algia, anesthesia, dysesthesia, -dynia, esthesia, esthesioneurosis, hyperesthesia, paresthesia, and synesthesia.
after-t. Persistence of the sensation of touch after contact with the stimulus has ceased.
healing t. A form of biofield medicine, often compared to therapeutic touch, in which hands-on contact with the patient is combined with other spiritual links made between patient and practitioner. SEE: therapeutic t.
therapeutic t. The practice of running the hands on or above a patient’s body to restore health. It is based on the premise that the human body is a complex system of energy fields, which must be channeled and balanced for optimum health.
vaginal t. Digital examination of the vagina.
vesical t. Digital examination of the bladder.
A revision of a minor irregularity that remains after a surgical procedure, esp. after a cosmetic or plastic surgery.
de la Tourette, Georges Gilles
(toor-et′) Fr. neurologist, 1857–1904.
T. disorder Tourette syndrome.
T. syndrome A neurological disorder marked by repetitive motor and verbal tics. Those afflicted blink, jerk, grunt, clear their throats, swing their arms, grasp or clasp others, have obsessive-compulsive behaviors, or use verbal expletives uncontrollably. In some instances, those affected can control the urge ...