tissue perfusion, ineffective (specify type): renal, cerebral, cardiopulmonary, gastrointestinal, peripheral
Decrease in blood circulation to the periphery, which may compromise health. SEE: Nursing Diagnoses Appendix.
tissue plasminogen activator
ABBR: tPA, TPA. 1. A natural enzyme that helps degrade blood clots by freeing plasmin from plasminogen. Plasmin in turn breaks down fibrin. 2. A recombinant enzyme, produced in the laboratory by Escherichia coli, for the treatment of thrombosis, esp. in myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke. Recombinant tPA is one of several thrombolytic drugs that can be given to patients to restore the flow of blood through occluded arteries. Restoring perfusion keeps brain cells and heart muscle from dying, reduces the damage caused by the infarction, and reduces the subsequent risk of disability and death. SYN: recombinant tPA. SEE: thrombolysis.
Life-threatening hemorrhage is the most serious side effect of tPA administration. Careful selection of patients for tPA reduces, but does not eliminate, the risk.
1. A device that prepares tissue samples for sectioning and microscopic examination in the clinical laboratory. 2. A device that disinfects tissues to use in transplantation or allograft surgery.
The response of living tissues to altered conditions or types of restorative materials, metals or cements.
(tĭsh′ū-lăr) Pert. to living tissues.
(tī-tān′ē-ŭm) [Titan, a character in classical myth + -ium (1)] SYMB: Ti. A transition metal found in combination with minerals, atomic weight (mass) 47.87, atomic number 22, specific gravity, 4.54. In dentistry, it is used as an alloy chiefly for appliances and implants because of its biological acceptance and resistance to corrosion. It is also widely used in many commercial applications because it is light, strong, and resistant to corrosion.
t. dioxide TiO2, a chemical used to protect the skin from the sun. It is also used in industrial applications to produce white in paints and plastics.
(tīt′ĕr) [F. titre, standard] The strength or concentration of a substance or solution.
agglutination t. The highest dilution of a serum that will cause agglutination (clumping) of the antigen being tested.
antibody t. The concentration of a specific antibody in plasma. Antibody titers are used to establish the diagnosis of some infectious diseases.
(tĭt″ĭl-ā′shŭn) [L. titillatio, a tickling] 1. The act of tickling. 2. The state of being tickled. 3. The sensation produced by tickling.
(tī′tĭn) An elastic protein in sarcomeres that anchors myosin filaments to the Z disks.