(thrŏm″bō-sī″tō-poy-ē′sĭs) [″ + ″ + poiesis, production] The formation of platelets.
(thrŏm″bō-sī-tō′sĭs) [″ + kytos, cell] An increase in the number of platelets. SYN: thrombocythemia.
(thrŏm″bō-ē-lăs′tō-grăm) ABBR: TEG. A device used to determine the presence of intravascular fibrinolysis and to monitor the effect of antifibrinolytic therapy on the formation and dissolution of clots.
(throm″bō-ĕ-las-tog′ră-fē) [thrombo- + elasto- + -graphy] A technique that evaluates the ability of whole blood to coagulate. The technique measures the time it takes for blood to clot, and the firmness or shear strength of the clot. It is used, e.g., to identify the presence of hypercoagulable diseases.
(throm″bō-ē″las-tom′ĕ-trē) [thrombo- + elastometry] The measurement of fibrin polymerization in whole blood, used primarily during or just after surgery to detect clotting disorders that might result in bleeding.
(throm″bō-em-bol′ik) Pert. to or marked by thromboembolism.
(throm″bō-em′bŏ-lizm) [thrombo- + embolism] The blocking of a blood vessel by a clot (or part of a clot) that has broken off from the place where it formed and traveled to another location. SYN: embolic thrombosis.
venous t. ABBR: VTE. A blood clot that forms in a vein and migrates to another location. Typically the clot is a deep venous thrombosis that becomes a pulmonary embolism; it often has serious health consequences.
thromboembolism, risk for venous
Susceptible to the development of a blood clot in a deep vein, commonly in the thigh, calf, or other extremity, which can break off and lodge in another vessel, which may compromise health. SEE: Nursing Diagnoses Appendix.
(thrŏm″bō-ĕnd″ăr-tĕr-ĕk′tō-mē) [″ + endon, within, + arteria, artery, + ektome, excision] Surgical removal of a thrombus from an artery, and removal of the diseased intima of the artery.
(thrŏm″bō-jĕn′ĕ-sĭs) [″ + genesis, generation, birth] The formation of a blood clot.
(throm″bŏ-jen′ik) [thrombo- + -genic] 1. Capable of producing a blood clot. 2. Likely to produce a blood clot. thrombogenicity (throm″bŏ-jĕ-nis′ĭt-ē), n.
(throm″bō-kī′nās″) [thrombo- + kinase] An obsolete term for the Stuart-Prower factor (blood coagulation factor X).
(throm″bol′ĭ-sĭs) [thrombo- + -lysis] The breaking up of a thrombus. Thrombolytic enzyme therapy is used for lysis of thrombi obstructing coronary arteries in acute myocardial infarction, management of acute massive pulmonary embolism, acute ischemic stroke within 3 hr of symptom onset, ...