(thingk′ing) Intellectual activity. Thinking includes the interpretation and ordering of symbols, learning, planning, forming ideas and opinions, organizing information, and problem solving.
abstract t. The ability to calculate, sort, categorize, conceptualize, draw conclusions, or interpret and condense complex ideas. In clinical medicine, abstract thinking is assessed by asking patients to interpret proverbs. Patients with dementia or other cognitive deficits may fail to do so, as they fail to see the relationships between objects and ideas.
concrete t. Thinking in simple, tangible, real, or nonidealized terms, without drawing relations between objects or concepts.
critical t. 1. The ability to interpret argument, evidence, or raw information in a logical and unbiased fashion. 2. The ability to solve complex problems effectively.
PATIENT CARE: Critical thinking in clinical settings involves the ability to solve complex problems effectively, using, for example, close observation, communication skills, consensus building, data mining, empathy, experience, logic, mathematics, pattern recognition, and reasoning.
Skinfold thickness of 2 mm or less when measured with calipers.
[Gr. theion, sulfur, brimstone] In chemistry, prefixes meaning sulfur.
thioamide, thionamide
(thī″ō-am′īd″) [thio- + amide] Any drug that inhibits the thyroid gland from making thyroid hormone. Examples include methimazole and propylthiouracil.
(thī″ō-sī′ă-nāt) Any compound containing the radical —SCN.
(thī′ō-flā″vĭn-tē″) A fluorescent yellow dye used in histology to identify amyloid fibrils.
(thī″ō-glū-kō′sĭ-dās) An enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of thioglycoside to a thiol and a sugar.
(thī″ŏ-pūr′ēn″) [thio- + purine] Any sulfur-containing purine used as an antimetabolite to treat a variety of auotimmune, inflammatory, and neoplastic diseases. Examples include azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine.
thiopurine s-methyltransferase
(thī″ŏ-pūr′ēn″es′meth″ĭl-trans′fĕr-ās″) ABBR: TPMT. An enzyme that metabolizes and inactivates thiopurines (such as the drugs azathioprine and mercaptopurine). People with a genetic deficiency in TPMT have severe bone marrow suppression when they take thiopurines to manage diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or inflammatory bowel disease.
(thī″ō-sŭl′fāt) Any salt of thiosulfuric acid.
(thī″ō-ūr-ē′ă) [Gr. theion, sulfur, + ouron, urine] H2NCSNH2; A colorless crystalline compound of urea in which sulfur replaces the oxygen. SYN: sulfourea.
An entity (other than the patient or the health care provider) that reimburses and manages health care expenses. Third-party payers include insurance companies, governmental agencies, and employers.