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syndrome X

Metabolic syndrome.


(sĭn-ĕk′ē-ă) pl. synechiae [Gr. synecheia, continuity] An adhesion of parts, esp. adhesion of the iris to the lens and cornea.

anterior s. An adhesion of the iris to the cornea.

peripheral anterior s. Adhesion between the iris and periphery of the cornea (PAS); usually near the anterior chamber angle. Can cause glaucoma by blocking the outflow of aqueous. Caused by inflammation

posterior s. An adhesion of the iris to the capsule of the lens.

total s. An adhesion of the entire surface of the iris to the lens.

s. vulvae Fusion of the vulvae, usually congenital.


(sĭn″ĕk-ŏt′ō-mē) [″ + tome, incision] The division of a synechia or adhesion.


(sĭn″ĕk-tĕn″tĕr-ŏt′ō-mē) [″ + enteron, intestine, + tome, incision] The division of an intestinal adhesion.


(sin″ē-kol′ŏ-jē) [syn- + ecology] The study of organisms in relationship to their environment in group form. synecological (sin″ē-kŏ-loj′ĭ-kăl), adj.


(sĭn″ĕn-sĕf′ă-lō-sēl″) [″ + enkephalos, brain, + kele, tumor, swelling] An encephalocele with adhesions to adjacent structures.


(sĭn-ĕr′ĕ-sĭs) [Gr. synairesis, drawing together] The contraction of a gel resulting in its separation from the liquid, as a shrinkage of fibrin when blood clots.


(sin″ĕr-jet′ik) [syn- + energetic] Of certain muscles, working together, exhibiting cooperative action. SYN: synergic.


(sin-ĕr′jik) [syn- + ergo- + -ic] Synergetic.


(sĭn′ĕr-jĭst) 1. A remedy that acts to enhance the action of another. SYN: adjuvant. 2. A muscle or organ functioning in cooperation with another, as the flexor muscles; the opposite of antagonist.


(sĭn″ĕr-jĭs′tĭk) 1. Pert. to synergy. 2. Acting together.

synergy, synergia, synergism

(sin′ĕr-jē, sin-ĕr′j(ē-)ă, sin′ĕr-jizm) [Gr. synergia, joint working, cooperation] An action of two or more agents, muscles, or organs working with each other, cooperatively.

synergy patterns

Primitive movements that dominate reflex and voluntary effort when spasticity is present following a cerebrovascular accident. They interfere with coordinated voluntary movements such as eating, dressing, and walking. Flexion synergy patterns include scapular retraction, shoulder abduction and external rotation, elbow flexion, forearm supination, and wrist and finger flexion in the upper extremity; and hip flexion, abduction and external rotation, knee flexion, and ankle dorsiflexion in the lower extremity. Extension synergy patterns include scapular protraction, shoulder adduction and internal rotation, elbow extension, forearm pronation, and wrist ...

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